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This is the continuation of a series of different 3D-Heading-Styles introduced for designing Microsoft Access Form/Report Headings. This design is a variant of the 3D-Heading Style presented under the Title Create 3D Headings on Forms. Both the styles have their own beauty and once they are created you may copy the same controls and customize them with different fore-color, font & font styles (Bold, Italics, etc.) and use it to form or Report Headings.

I have several of this type of design and if this is the first one you came across on this site then you must prepare your MS-Access Project by adding a few Library Files and the main programs of this series (if you have not already done) before you are able to run the Code for this Heading Style and others presented on this website. Follow the steps given below:

  1. Link a few Common Library Files (they are already there in your system, you only need to attach them) to your Project by following the steps described in my earlier post with the Title Command-Button Animation
  2. The VBA Programs

  3. Copy the following main program Codes given below into a new Global VBA Module of your Project and save it.

    If you have already copied them from earlier Posts then copy only the last Function: Shadow3D()

    Option Compare Database
     Option Explicit
     '-- Global declarations
     Private Const lngheight as long = 0.45 * 1440
     Private Const lngWidth as long = 4.5 * 1440
     Private Const intFontSize as integer = 26
     Private Const intTextAlign as integer = 0
     Private Const intBackStyle as integer = 0
     Private Const LngI as long = 0.0104 * 1440
     Private Const intX as long = 0.15 * 1440
     Private Const intY as long = 0.15 * 1440
     Dim MyFrm As Form 
    Public Function FormTxtLabels(Optional ByVal ControlType As Integer) As String 
    'Author : a.p.r. pillai 
    'Date : September 2006
    'ControlType = 0 for label
    'ControlTYPE = 1 for TextBox 
    Dim ctl As Control 
    'On Error GoTo FormTxtLabels_Err
    If ControlType > 0 Then ControlType = 1 
    Set MyFrm = CreateForm 
    If ControlType = 1 Then
       Set ctl = CreateControl(MyFrm.NAME, acTextBox, acDetail, , , (0.2 * 1440), (0.2 * 1440), lngWidth, lngheight) 
       With ctl
        .ControlSource = "=" & Chr(34) & "msaccesstips.com" & Chr(34)
       End With
       Set ctl = CreateControl(MyFrm.NAME, acLabel, _acDetail, , , (0.2 * 1440), (0.2 * 1440), lngWidth, lngheight)
      With ctl
        .Caption = "msaccesstips.com" 
      End With
    End If 
    FormTxtLabels = MyFrm.NAME 
    Exit Function

    Public Function Validate_Dup(ByRef MyFrm As Form, ByVal intNooflabels As Integer) As Integer 
    'Author : a.p.r. pillai 
    'Date : September 2006
    'ControlType = 0 for label
    'ControlTYPE = 1 for TextBox 
    Dim mysec As Section, lblcount As Integer 
    Dim myctrl As Control, newctrl As Control, j As Integer 
    Dim lngx As Long, lngY As Long, lngH As Long, lngW As Long 
    Dim strCap As String, ctrltype As Integer, intlbls As Integer 
    Dim ctrlName() As String, ctrlIndex() As Integer, i As Long
    Dim strFont As String, intFntSize As Integer, x As Integer 
    Dim intFntWeight As Integer  
    'On Error GoTo Validate_Dup_Err 
    Set mysec = MyFrm.Section(acDetail)
    intlbls = mysec.Controls.Count - 1 
    Set myctrl = mysec.Controls(0) 
    ctrltype = myctrl.ControlType 
    intNooflabels = intNooflabels - 1 
    If intlbls > 0 Then 
      ReDim ctrlName(intlbls) As String
      ReDim ctrlIndex(intlbls) As Integer 
    End If 
    If ctrltype = 109 And intlbls > 0 Then 
        For j = 0 To intlbls 
          Set myctrl = mysec.Controls(j) 
          ctrlIndex(j) = myctrl.ControlType 
          ctrlName(j) = myctrl.NAME 
      For j = 0 To intlbls 
        If ctrlIndex(j) = 100 Then 
          DeleteControl MyFrm.NAME, ctrlName(j) 
        End If 
      intlbls = mysec.Controls.Count - 1 
    End If 
    Set myctrl = mysec.Controls(0) 
    If intlbls < intNooflabels Then 
    With myctrl
      lngx = .Left
      lngY = .Top
      lngW = .Width
      lngH = 0.0208 * 1440 ' 0.0208 inches
      strFont = .FontName
      intFntSize = .FontSize
      intFntWeight = .FontWeight 
    End With 
    If ctrltype = 100 Then 
      strCap = myctrl.Caption 
    ElseIf ctrltype = 109 Then 
      strCap = myctrl.ControlSource 
    End If 
    If ctrltype = 109 And intlbls > 0 Then 
      For j = 0 To intlbls 
        Set myctrl = mysec.Controls(j) 
        ctrlIndex(j) = myctrl.ControlType 
        ctrlName(j) = myctrl.NAME 
      For j = 0 To intlbls 
        If ctrlIndex(j) = 100 Then 
          DeleteControl MyFrm.NAME, ctrlName(j) 
        End If 
    intlbls = mysec.Controls.Count - 1 
    Set myctrl = mysec.Controls(intlbls)
    With myctrl 
      lngx = .Left 
      lngY = .Top 
      lngW = .Width 
      lngH = .Height 
      ctrltype = .ControlType 
      strFont = .FontName 
      intFntSize = .FontSize 
      intFntWeight = .FontWeight 
    End With 
    End If 
    i = 0.0104 * 1440 + lngH ' 0.0104 inches 
    lngY = lngY + i 
    For j = intlbls + 1 To intNooflabels 
      Set newctrl = CreateControl(MyFrm.NAME, ctrltype, _acDetail, "","", lngx, lngY, lngW, lngH) 
      If ctrltype = 100 Then 
        newctrl.Caption = strCap 
        newctrl.FontName = strFont 
        newctrl.FontSize = intFntSize 
        newctrl.FontWeight = intFntWeight 
        newctrl.ControlSource = strCap 
        newctrl.FontName = strFont 
        newctrl.FontSize = intFntSize 
        newctrl.FontWeight = intFntWeight 
      End If 
    lngY = lngY + i 
    End If 
    If intlbls > intNooflabels Then 
      For j = intNooflabels + 1 To intlbls 
        Set myctrl = mysec.Controls(j) 
        ctrlIndex(j) = myctrl.ControlType 
        ctrlName(j) = myctrl.NAME 
      For j = intNooflabels + 1 To intlbls 
        DeleteControl MyFrm.NAME, ctrlName(j) 
      Validate_Dup = 0 
    End If 
    intlbls = mysec.Controls.Count - 1 
    Set myctrl = mysec.Controls(0) 
    ctrltype = myctrl.ControlType 
    If ctrltype = 109 Then 
      For j = 0 To intlbls 
        Set myctrl = mysec.Controls(j) 
        With myctrl 
         .Enabled = False 
         .Locked = True 
         .SpecialEffect = 0 
        End With 
    End If 
    Validate_Dup = 0 
    Exit Function 
    MsgBox Err.Description, ,"Validate_Dup" 
    Validate_Dup = 1 
    Resume Validate_Dup_Exit 
    End Function 

    Public Function MsgLabel() 
    'Author : a.p.r. pillai 
    'Date : September 2006 
    Dim mySection As Section, ctl As Control, xForm As Form 
    Dim l As Long, t As Long, w As Long, h As Long, F As Long 
    F = 1440 
    l = 0.5 * F: t = 1.2 * F: w = 3.6563 * F: h = 0.4896 * F 'values in inches 
    On Error Resume Next 
    Set mySection = MyFrm.Section(acDetail) 
    Set ctl = CreateControl(MyFrm.NAME, acLabel, _acDetail, , "", l, t, w, h) 
    ctl.Caption = "Click outside the Controls and Drag Over. "  & "Display the Property Sheet. " & "Type New Text for Caption/Control " & "Source Property area for Label/ Text Boxes. " & "Copy and Paste the Controls to " & "Target Form/Report Area." 
    End Function
  4. The above Code implements the main functions of each Heading Styles presented so far including this one. Once you are ready with the above you may copy the code given below for this Heading Style and try it out.
  5. Copy the code given below into the same global module where you have copied the main programs, or in any global module, you prefer and save it.
Public Function Shadow3D(ByVal intStyle As Integer, ByVal intForeColor As Integer, _
Optional ByVal Label0Text1 As Integer) As String  
'Author : a.p.r. pillai 
'Date   : September 2006
'Rights : All Rights Reserved by www.msaccesstips.com
Dim intlbls As Integer, intFSize As Integer  
Dim j As Integer, mySection As Section  
Dim lblName() As String, lngForecolor As Long, X As Integer  
Dim l As Long, t As Long   

On Error Resume Next
   Shade3D = FormTxtLabels(Label0Text1)
   Set mySection = MyFrm.Section(acDetail)
  intlbls = mySection.Controls.Count - 1
   On Error GoTo Shadow3D_Err
   X = Validate_Dup(MyFrm, 5) ' check type and duplicate
   If X = 1 Then
    Exit Function
  End If
  intlbls = mySection.Controls.Count - 1
   X = intStyle
  intStyle = IIf(X < 0, 0, IIf(X > 3, 3, intStyle))
  X = intForeColor
  intForeColor = IIf(X < 0, 0, IIf(X > 15, 15, intForeColor))
   ReDim lblName(0 To intlbls) As String
   For j = 0 To intlbls
   lblName(j) = mySection.Controls(j).NAME
   For j = 0 To intlbls
    With mySection.Controls(lblName(j))
      .Height = lngheight
      .Width = lngWidth
      .FontName = "Times New Roman"
      intFSize = .FontSize
      If intFSize < intFontSize Then
        .FontSize = intFontSize
      End If
      .FontUnderline = False
      .TextAlign = intTextAlign
      .BackStyle = intBackStyle
     Select Case j
       Case 0
        lngForecolor = 8421504
       Case 1 To intlbls - 2
        lngForecolor = 8421504
       Case intlbls - 1
        lngForecolor = 0 '12632256
       Case intlbls
        lngForecolor = QBColor(intForeColor)
      End Select
        .ForeColor = lngForecolor
   End With
  l = intX: t = intY
   With mySection.Controls(lblName(1))
    .Left = l
    .Top = t
  End With
  For j = 0 To intlbls
  Select Case intStyle
         Case 0
            l = l + LngI
            t = t + LngI
         Case 1
            l = l + LngI
            t = t - LngI
         Case 2
          l = l - LngI
          t = t + LngI
         Case 3
            l = l - LngI
            t = t - LngI
  End Select
    With mySection.Controls(lblName(j))
       .Left = l
       .Top = t
    End With

Exit Function
Msgbox Err.Description,, "Shadow3D"
Resume Shadow3D_Exit  
End Function  

Create Shadow3D Heading Style.

  1. Press Alt+F11 to display the Visual Basic editing screen (you can toggle Database and VBA Window by pressing an Alt+F11 Keyboard shortcut).  Press Ctrl+G (or View --> Immediate Window) to display the Debug Window.
  2. Type the following in the Debug Window and press Enter Key:
  3. Shadow3D 1, 4,0

You will see the screen flashes briefly as if it is refreshed. Minimize the Visual Basic window and you will find the above Heading Style created on a new form. Besides the 3D heading on the form, you will find some help text with tips to customize the 3D heading with your own heading text, Font, or Font Style you like.

Let us examine the Command Line Values.

Shadow3D is the function name.

The first parameter value 1 controls the Shadow position of the Heading Text.  The first parameter value range is 0 to 3

  • 0 - Shadow is tilted to the left top corner of the heading text.
  • 1 - bottom left corner
  • 2 - Right top corner
  • 3 - Right bottom corner

The second parameter value 4 (Red Color) is the topmost label's text color. The range of color values can be 0 to 15. The QBColor codes are given on the Page with the Title: Border2D Heading Text.

The third parameter value 0 creates 3D Text on Label controls. This is optional and can be omitted if you need only Label based 3D Text. When the third parameter is omitted, do not use a comma after the second parameter. When this value is 1 it draws a Text Box based Design.  An expression, like ="Sample Text", with default text is inserted into the Control Source Property of all the Text Box layers created for the heading.

You can change the constant value of the expression with your own text, in the control source property, or change it to show values from the underlying field of Table/Query attached to the Form. Or you can write a Dlookup() Function to pick the Value from a different Table/Query.

Example: =Dlookup("CountryName","Country Table","CountryCode = 'USA'")

The above example will show the United States of America in 3D Style from the Country Table based on the Values in CountryCode & CountryName Fields. If The criteria parameter of the Function needs the reference of control on the Form then modify it to use the control name as criteria, as shown below:

=Dlookup("CountryName","CountryTable","CountryCode = '" & Me![CCode] & "'")

[[CCode] is the field name where the country codes are stored in the Table/Query attached to the Form and the current value on the form is used for finding the country name. Note the single quote immediately after the equal sign followed by a double-quote and the closing single quote within double-quotes, before the closing parenthesis, indicates that [CCode] field value is character type data.

Tip: Search in MS-Access Help for more details on Dlookup() Function.


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