Learn Microsoft Access Advanced Programming Techniques, Tips and Tricks.


Share Previous-version Secured Database.

With one exception, the issues involved when sharing a secured database across more than one version of Microsoft Access are the same as the issues for sharing an unsecured database across more than one version.

The one exception concerns how to handle the workgroup information file that is used with the secured database. You have two choices:

  1. Tell users who will be upgrading to Microsoft Access 2000 to join the appropriate workgroup information file with the oldest version of Microsoft Access that will be sharing the secured database.

    Microsoft Access 2000 can use workgroup information files that have been created with previous versions, but previous versions can only use workgroup information files that have been created with Microsoft Access 2000 or a previous version.

    Important: If users will be sharing a secured database from Microsoft Access 95 or 97, you should compact the current workgroup information file with Microsoft Access 2000 before using it. Compacting the file by using Microsoft Access 2000 does not change the file format, so the file can continue to be used by any Microsoft Access 95 or 97 users who are not upgrading.

  2. If the shared database is Microsoft Access version 2.0, convert the workgroup information file that will be used with the secured database and then tell only users who are upgrading to Microsoft Access 2000 to join the converted workgroup information file. All users who are not upgrading from version 2.0, must continue to use the workgroup information file produced with that version.
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MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Convert Workgroup File to New Version

To take advantage of security and performance improvements, you should re-create the Workgroup Information File as described below:

  1. Create a new workgroup information file, making sure to enter the exact, case-sensitive name, company name, and workgroup ID that was used to create the original file. Failure to re-enter the exact entries that were used to create the original file will create an invalid Admins group.
  2. Re-create any group accounts, making sure to enter the exact, case-sensitive user name and PID for each user.
  3. Tell other Microsoft Access 2000 users in the workgroup to use the workgroup Administrator to join the new workgroup information file.

    Click Next to see how to Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access.

    Goto Main

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MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Convert Microsoft Access 95/97 Secured Database.

When upgrading from Microsoft Access 95 or 97, you need to convert your secured database, but you don't need to convert the Workgroup Information File to use it with Microsoft Access 2000. However, you should compact the Workgroup Information File before using it.

  1. Convert the secured database.
  2. Compact the secured database.
  3. Exit Microsoft Access.
  4. Before compacting the Workgroup Information File (typically named System.mdw) that was used with the secured database, temporarily join another Workgroup Information File.
  5. Start Microsoft Access without opening a database.
  6. Compact the Workgroup Information File that was used with the secured database.
  7. Tell users to join the compacted workgroup information file before opening the secured database.
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MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


RunPermissions Property

You can use the RunPermissions property in a multi-user environment with a secure workgroup to override the existing user permissions. This allows you to view a query or run an append, delete, make-table, or update query that you will be able to run. For example, as a user, you have read-only permission for queries, while the owner of the queries has read/write permissions. If the owner sets the RunPermissions property to specify the owner's permissions, you can run an append query to add records to a table.


The RunPermissions property uses the following settings:

  1. Setting Description
  2. Owner's: All users are allowed the owner's permissions to view or run the query.
  3. User's (Default): Users have only their own permissions to view or run the query.

You can set this property by using the query's property sheet.

You can also set the RunPermissions property in the SQL view of the Query window by using the WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION declaration in the SQL statement.

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Earlier Post Link References:


MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Change Default Permissions

You can change the default permissions that allow others to view data returned from queries or in the case of action queries, to run the queries, even if they are otherwise restricted from viewing the underlying table or query.

Changing the default permissions affects only new queries.

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options
  2. Click the Table/Queries tab.
  3. Click the Run Permissions option you want to use.

If you select Owner's:, all users have the query owner's permission to view or run the query.

Only the query owner can save changes to the query.

Only the query owner can change the ownership of the query.

If you select User's, the permissions that are defined for that classification of users are in effect instead and any user with Administer permissions for the query can save changes to the query, or change its ownership.

Click Next to see how to set Run Permissions Property of Queries.

Goto Main

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Earlier Post Link References:


MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert  Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Permit View/Run Query.

In a secure workgroup, you can assign others permission to view the data your query returns, or in the case of an action query, to run the query, even if they are otherwise restricted from viewing the query's underlying table or query.

  1. Open the query in Design view. Select the query by clicking anywhere in the Query Design view outside the design grid and the field lists.
  2. Click Properties on the toolbar to display the query's property sheet.
  3. Set the Run Permissions property to Owner's.

The following are true for this setting:

  • All users have the query owner's permission to view or run the query.
  • Only the query owner can save changes to the query.
  • Only the query owner can change the ownership of the query.

Note: You can also set default permissions for all new queries. Click Options on Tools menu. Click the Tables/Queries tab, and then click the Run Permissions option you want to use.

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Earlier Post Link References:


MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Transfer Ownership of Database.

Start Microsoft Access by using a secure workgroup that contains the user account that you want to own the database and its objects.

  1. Log on by using that account.
  2. Create a new blank database.
  3. Import all of the objects from the database that has the ownership you want to change into the new database.

Note: To import a database, you must have Open/Run permission for the database and Read Design permission for its objects. To import Tables you must also have Read Data permission. If you have permissions for some tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros but not others, Microsoft Access imports only those objects for which you have permissions.

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Earlier Post Link References:


MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Transfer Ownership of Objects

If you have Administer permission for a Table, Query, Form, Report or Macro, you can change the ownership of the object to another user or group.

  1. Open the database.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Security, and then click User and Group Permissions.
  3. On the Change Owner tab, Microsoft Access displays a list of the tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros that are currently displayed in the Database window and the current owner of those objects.
  4. Click an object type in the Object Type box, or use the existing object type.
  5. From the Object list, click one or more objects with ownership that you want to change. To select more than one object, either hold down CTRL and click the objects or drag through the ones you want to select.
  6. In the New Owner box, click the user or group account that you want to be the new owner of the object or objects.
  7. Click the Change Owner button.

Note: If you change ownership of a table, query, form, report or macro to a group account, all users who belong to the group automatically receive the permissions associated with ownership of the object.

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Earlier Post Link References:


MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Assign Default Permissions for Objects.

  1. Open the database that contains the Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, and Macros.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Security and then click User and Group Permissions.
  3. On the Permissions tab, click Users or Groups, and then click the user or group that has the permissions you want to assign in the User/Group Name box.
  4. Click the type of object in the Object Type box and click in the Object Name list.

    The selection varies depending on the type of object you've selected.

  5. Select the default permissions that you want to assign for that object type and then click Apply.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to assign default permissions for additional object types for the current user or group.
  7. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for any additional users or groups, and then click OK when you have finished.

Notes: Default permissions can be assigned only by an administrator account (a member of the Admins group in the workgroup in which the database that contains the object was created) or by the owner of the database. Some permissions automatically imply the selection of others. For example, the Modify Data permission for a table automatically implies the Read Data and Read Design permissions because you need these to modify the data in a table. Modify Design and Read Data imply Read Design. For macros, Read Design implies Open/Run.

Organizing user accounts into groups makes it easier to manage security. For example, rather than assigning permissions to each user for each object in your database, you can assign permissions to a few groups, and then add users to the appropriate group. When users log on to Microsoft Access, they inherit the permissions on any group to which they belong.

Click Next to see how to View or transfer ownership of objects.

MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert  Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Assign/Remove Permissions for Database Objects.

Open the database that contains the Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, and Macros that you want to secure. The workgroup information file in use when you log on must contain the user or group accounts that you want to assign permissions for at this time; however, you can assign permissions to groups and add users to those groups later.

  1. On the Tools menu, point the mouse on Security and then click User and Group Permissions.
  2. On the Permissions tab, click Users or Groups and then click the user or group that has the permissions you want to assign in the User/Group Name box.
  3. Click the type of object in the Object Type box, and then click the name of the object to assign permissions for in the Object Name box.
  4. Tip: You can select multiple objects in the Object Name box by dragging through the objects you want to select, or by holding down CTRL and clicking the objects you want.
  5. Under Permissions, select the permissions you want to assign or clear the permissions you want to remove for the group or user, and then click Apply. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to assign or remove permissions for additional objects for the current user or group.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for any additional users or groups, and then click OK when you have finished.

Notes: Some permissions automatically imply the selection of others. For example, the Modify Data permission for a table automatically implies the Read Data and Read Design permissions because you need these to modify the data in a table. Modify Design and Read Data imply Read Design. For macros, Read Design implies Open/Run.

When you edit an object and save it, it retains its assigned permissions. However, if an object is saved with a new name by using the Save As command on the File menu, or by cutting and pasting, importing, or exporting the object, the associated permissions are lost and you have to reassign them. This is because you are creating a new object that is assigned the default permissions defined for that object type.

Hidden objects aren't displayed in the Object Name box unless you select Hidden objects on the View tab of the Options dialog box (Tools menu).

Click Next to view how to Assign default permission for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.

MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Clear Security Account Password

To complete this procedure, you must be logged on as a member of the Admins group.

Start Microsoft Access by using the workgroup information file in which the user account ( and its password) is stored.

You can find out which workgroup information file is current or change workgroups by using the Workgroup Administrator.

  1. Open a database.
  2. On the Tools menu, point to Security, and then click User and Group Accounts.
  3. On the Users tab, enter the user account name in the Name box.
  4. Click Clear Password.
  5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 to clear any additional passwords, and then click OK when you have finished.

Create or Change Security Password

Click Next to see how to Assign or remove permissions for Objects.

Goto Main

MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert  Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Create or Change Security Account Password

A security account password is created to make sure that no other user can log on using that user name. By default, Microsoft Access assigns a blank password to the Admin user account, and to any new user accounts, you create in your workgroup.

Start Microsoft Access by using the workgroup the user account is stored in, and log on using the name of the account for which you want to create or change the password.

You can find out which workgroup is current or change workgroups by using the Workgroup Administrator.

  1. Open a database
  2. On the Tools menu, point to Security, and then click User and Group Accounts.
  3. On the Change Logon Password tab, leave the Old Password box blank if a password hasn't been defined previously for this account. Otherwise, type the current password in the Old Password box.
  4. Type the new password in the New Password box.
  5. A password can range from 1 to 20 characters and can include any characters except ASCII character 0 (Null). Passwords are case-sensitive.
  6. Retype the password in the Verify box, and then click OK.

Caution: You can't recover your password if you forget it, so be sure to store it in a safe place. If you forget your password, a user logged on with an administrator account (a member of the Admins group in the workgroup in which the account and password were created) must clear the password before you can log on.

Click Next to see how to Clear a security account password.

Goto Main

MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Delete a security group account

To complete this procedure, you must be logged on as a member of the Admins group.

Note: The Admins and Users group accounts can't be deleted.

  1. Start Microsoft Access by using the workgroup that contains the account you want to delete. You can find out which workgroup is current or change workgroups by using the Workgroup Administrator.
  2. Open a database.
  3. On the Tools menu, point to Security, and then click User And Group Accounts.
  4. On the Groups tab, enter the group you want to delete in the Name box, and then click Delete.
  5. Click Yes to delete the group account.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 if you want to delete additional group accounts.

Click Next to see how to create or change a security account password.

Delete MS-Access Security User Account.

Goto Main

MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Delete a Microsoft Access Security User Account

To complete this procedure, you must be logged on as a member of the Admins group.

Note: The Admin user account can't be deleted.

  1. Open a database.
  2. On the Tools menu, point to Security, and then click User And Group Accounts.
  3. On the Users tab, enter a user in the Name box, and then click Delete.
  4. Click Yes to delete the user account.

Repeat steps 3 and 4, if you want to delete additional user accounts, and then click OK when you have finished.

Click Next to see how to Delete a Security Group Account.

Goto Main

MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Remove Users from Microsoft Access Security Groups

To complete this procedure, you must be logged on as a member of the Admins group.

Notes: You can't remove users from the default Users group. Microsoft Access automatically adds all users to the Users group. To remove any user account from the Users group, you must delete the account.

There must be at least one user in the predefined Admins group at all times.

  1. Start Microsoft Access by using the workgroup containing the user and group accounts.
  2. You can find out which workgroup is current or change workgroups by using the Workgroup Administrator.
  3. Open a database.
  4. On the Tools menu, point to Security, and then click User And Group Accounts.
  5. On the Users tab, enter the user you want to remove in the Name box.
  6. In the Member Of box, click the group you want to remove the user from, and then click Remove.
  7. Repeat step 5 to remove this user from any other groups. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to remove other users from groups.

MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert  Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Add Users to Security Groups

To complete this procedure, you must be logged on as a member of the Admins group.

  1. Open a database.
  2. On the Tools menu, point to Security and then click on User and Group Accounts.
  3. On the Users tab, enter in the Name box the user name you want to add to a group.
  4. In the Available Groups box, click the group you want to add the user to, and then click Add. The selected group is displayed in the Member on the list.

Repeat step 4 if you want to add this user to any other groups.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add other users to groups.

MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert  Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access


Create a security group account

As part of securing a database, you can create group accounts in your Microsoft access workgroup that you use to assign a common set of permissions to multiple users.

To complete this procedure, you must be logged on as a member of the Admins group. Start Microsoft Access by using the workgroup in which you want to use the account.

Important: The accounts you create for users must be stored in the workgroup information file that those users will use. If you are using a different workgroup to create the database, change your workgroup before creating the accounts. You can change workgroups by using the Workgroup administrator.

  1. Open a database.
  2. On the Tools menu, point to Security, and then click User and Group Accounts.
  3. On the Groups tab, click New.
  4. In the New User/Group dialog box, type the name of the new account and a personal ID (PID).

    Group names can range from 1 to 20 characters, and can include alphabetic characters, accented characters, numbers, spaces, and symbols, with the following exceptions:

    • The characters ' \ [ ] " | <> + = ; , . ? *
    • Leading spaces
    • Control characters (ASCII 10 through ASCII 31)

    Caution: Be sure to write down the exact account name and PID, including whether letters are uppercase or lowercase, and keep them in a secure place. If you have to re-create an account that has been deleted or created in a different workgroup, you must supply the same name and PID entries. If you forget or lose these entries, you can't recover them.

  5. Click OK to create the new group account.

Note: A user account name cannot be the same as an existing group account name.

To create more Group Accounts repeat steps 3 to 5 above.

Click Next to see how to add users to security groups.

Go to Main

MS-ACCESS Security Links.

  1. Create a security user account
  2. Create a security group account
  3. Add users to security groups
  4. Remove users from security groups
  5. Delete a security user account
  6. Delete a security group account
  7. Create or change a security account password
  8. Clear a security account password
  9. Assign or remove permissions
  10. Assign default permissions for new tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.
  11. View or transfer ownership of Objects
  12. Transfer ownership of an entire database to another administrator
  13. Permit others to view or run my query but not change data or query design.
  14. Change default permissions for all new queries.
  15. RunPermissions Property
  16. Convert  Microsoft Access 95 or 97 secured databases.
  17. Convert a workgroup information file from a previous version of Microsoft Access.
  18. Share a previous-version secured database across several versions of Microsoft Access




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