Learn Microsoft Access Advanced Programming Techniques, Tips and Tricks.

Thursday, December 7, 2006


Implementing Microsoft Access Security

  2. Creating a User Account
  3. Creating a Group Account
  4. Add Users to Security Groups
  5. Remove Users from Security Groups
  6. Deleting a User-Account
  7. Deleting a User-Group-Account
  8. Create or Change Security Password
  9. Clear Security Password
  10. Assign or Remove Permissions
  11. Assign Default Permissions
  12. View/Transfer Ownership of Objects
  13. Transfer Ownership of Database
  14. Set Permissions to Run/View Query
  15. Default Permissions for new Query
  16. RunPermissions Property
  17. Converting Database Old-Versions
  18. Converting Old-Version Workgroup File
  19. Sharing Previous Version Database

Tips & Tricks

  1. Command Button Animation
  2. Creating 3D Text on Forms/Reports
  3. Creating 2D Text with Borders on Forms/Reports
  4. Creating 3D Text with Borders on Forms/Reports
  5. Creating 3D Text with customizable Shadow setting
  6. Using Office-Assistant with MessageBox
  7. How to use Common Dialogue Control (File Browser) in MS-Access
  8. How to create a Reminder Ticker on Form
  9. How to Import/Export Microsoft Access Objects using VB Code.
  10. How to Create an Excel File from Microsoft Access and write data into it.
  11. How to create a Word File from Microsoft Access and write text into it.
  12. How to create a Text File using FileSystemObject
  13. How to Rename File using FileSystemObject.
  14. How to display Drive, Folder, and File information using FileSystemObject
  15. H O M E


  1. Sir,
    How to use Goto Record Next function that it will access or display all records that having the same primary key?

    Example: i have a button name Goto next, when I click the button it will make to display a record in a textbox, then all of the record to be displayed have the same primary key it is the EOF it will loop again.This is like a generate button of a keygen. Hope you will help me.

  2. This is my two table:
    DB 1

    DB 2

    I have created a relationship.In one Software many Keys.

  3. It is easier to display all records matching a particular key-value (like displaying all items pertains to a particular Purchase Order Number) by designing a Main-Form and Sub-Form combination. Link both Forms in Link Child fields & Link Master Fields Properties on OrderID.
    You can see an example Form in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\samples\Northwind.mdb Database. Open this database and open the Form with the name Orders. This form has a Sub-Form inserted as datasheet form that is designed on Order Details Table. When the Order Number of the Orders form changes all records belongs to the new Order will appear in Order Details form.
    You can learn a different method involving VBA by visiting the page:http://www.msaccesstips.com/2009/12/filter-with-buildcriteria-function/


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