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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

delete asp

Delete ASP Code

Dim rst
Set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Dim strSQL
Dim DeleteID
DeleteID = Request.QueryString("ProductID")
strSQL = "Delete * FROM Products Where ProductID = " & DeleteID
rst.Open strSQL, "DSN=NorthWindDSN"
<h4>The record has been deleted.</h4>

Click Next for delete-select.asp

  1. Installing the Personal Web Server (PWS)
  2. or Internet Information Services (IIS)
  3. Create the Example ASP Files
  4. Create a DSN Connection
  5. Connect to the Database
  6. Modify Access Data Online
  7. Inserting Data
  8. Modifying Data
  9. Deleting Data
  10. Data Insert Form

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