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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Source Connect Str Property and ODBC


We have already seen that the usage of SourceConnectStr Property combined with Source Database Property of MS-Access Query can be used to open external data sources, like dBase, FoxPro (Version 2.5 or 3.0), and Excel Table, directly and work with them.

We have learned how to add the above Property specifications in an IN Clause directly in the SQL of the Query.

Data sources like AS400 (iSeries), SQL Server, and FoxPro need an ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) Connect String to get access to these System data.

ODBC Connection String

The best way to learn and understand more about the Connection String Syntax of different ODBC Data Sources is to go through the following steps and look at the Connection String of the Linked Table:

  1. Create an ODBC DSN (Data Source Name). Refer to the Post Linking with IBM AS400 Tables.

  2. Link the Table from the source directly using File - - > Get External Data- ->Link Table.

  3. Select ODBC Databases in the Files of Type control.

  4. Select the ODBC DSN that you have created from the displayed list.

  5. Click OK. If you have not created a DSN you can create a new one by selecting the New. . . Command Button.

  6. Select the Table to link with your MS-Access Database.

  7. After linking the Table, select the linked Table.

  8. Select Design from the Database Menu. You will receive a warning message saying that the Linked Table Structure cannot be modified. Click Yes to the Prompt: Do You want to open it anyway..?

  9. Display the Property Sheet (View - ->Properties).

Description Property of Table

On the Description Property of the Table Structure, you will find the ODBC String that can be used directly on Query's SourceConnectStr Property.

A few examples of ODBC Connection String Values are given below:

AS400 (iSeries) Table:
SQL Server:
  • ODBC;DSN=MyData;UID=UserID;PWD=Password;DATABASE=Parts
  • ODBC;DSN=Visual FoxPro Tables;UID=;PWD=;SourceDB=C:\MyFoxpro;SourceType=DBF;Exclusive=No;BackgroundFetch=Yes;Collate=GENERAL;Null=Yes;Deleted=Yes

As you can see in the above examples that the DSN Name, User ID, Password, and other details are Data Source specific and must be provided correctly to get access to their respective Tables.

In the AS400 (iSeries) ODBC Connection String above the Table Name and Folder Name are separated with a dot in between. You may refer to the earlier Post Linking with IBM AS400 Tables to learn how to link AS400 (iSeries) Table to MS-Access Database.

Earlier Post Link References:

1 comment:

  1. I've Found a SQL scanner that can locate any SQL server at your network (multi-subnet) it can also try to brute force the SA user account (or any other account) to make sure the password is not easy.
    you can get it here: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Servers/Database-Utils/SQL-Locator.shtml


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