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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Percentage on Report Summary


We have worked with a Query to solve this problem earlier in the Blog Post: Percentage on Total Query.  This time let us see how it is done on a Report.  Our task is to show a detail-line-wise value’s percentage on Report Summary Total.

The solution is simple.  Create a Report with some values in it with a Report level summary.  Add a Text Box in the detail section and write an expression to divide the Report Summary Value into the detail level value.

Design a Sample Report to Try.

  1. Import the Order Detail Table from Microsoft Access Sample Database: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Sample\Northwind.mdb

  2. Open a new Query in SQL View; without selecting a Table from the displayed list.

  3. Copy and Paste the following SQL String into the SQL editing window of the new Query:

    SELECT [Order Details].[Order ID], Sum([Order Details].Quantity) AS TQuantity, Sum([Order Details].[Unit Price]) AS UnitPrice, Sum([Unit Price]*[Quantity]) AS TotalPrice
    FROM [Order Details]
    GROUP BY [Order Details].[Order ID];
  4. Save the Query with the name OrderSummary.

  5. Design a Report (as shown in the image given below) with the Detail Section and Report Footer summary controls using the OrderSummary as Source.

  6. Click on the Text Box at the Footer of the Report to select it.

  7. Display the Property Sheet (F4 or ALT+Enter) of the Text Box.

  8. Change the Name Property Value to GTPrice (stands for Grand Total Price).

  9. Write the expression =Sum([TotalPrice]) in the Control Source Property.

  10. Select the Text Box at the right end of the Detail Section and display its Property Sheet.

  11. Write the expression =[TotalPrice]/[GTPrice] in the Control Source Property.

  12. In the Format Property selects the Percent format from the drop-down list.

  13. Type 2 in the Decimal Places Property.

  14. Save and Close the Report.

  15. Open the OrderSummary in Print Preview and check the detail line percentage value calculated on Report Footer Grand Total Price.

Creating Page-Level Totals.

Want to know how to calculate and display Page-wise control totals; you can learn it from here.

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