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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Prepare a List of Procedure Names from a Module


How to prepare a list of Procedure Names (Function or Sub-Routine Names) from a Standard Module or Class Module?

Earlier Articles:

  1. Writing VBA Code.
  2. Uploading Code from an external Text File into a Module.

We have seen how to insert a cmdButton_Click() Event Procedure into a Form Module using the InsertLines() method of the Module Object in the first Article and how to upload the same program from a Text File with the AddFromFile() method of the Module Object in the second Article.

In this example, we will try to prepare a list of Procedures from a Standard Module and from a Class Module.  Here, we will learn the usage of the following Properties of the Module Object:

With Modules(strModuleName):
   lng_BodyLines = .CountOfLines ‘ Total Number of lines of Code in the Module
   lng_LinesAtGobalArea = .CountOfDeclarationLines ‘Takes a count of lines in the Global declaration area
   str_ProcedureName = .ProcOfLine(LineNumber, NumberOfLines) ‘indexed list of Code lines with their Procedure names 
 End with 

The ProcOfLine (stands for Procedure Name of the current line of VBA Code) is an indexed list and we must provide the index number of the Code line under process to check which procedure the code line belongs to.  The second index value is normally one if you are inspecting a line-by-line basis. If you prefer to check two or more lines together, then change this number accordingly.

The Procedure Steps.

The Pseudo Code of the VBA Program is given below.

  1. Take Count of Code Lines of the Module, Standard Module or Class Module.

  2. Take Global Declaration Lines Count.

  3. First Procedure Name  =  Count of Global declaration Lines + 1

  4. Array(0) = First Procedure Name. Saves the Function/Sub-Routine name into an Array.

  5. Scan through the remaining lines of code:

     A)   Check the .ProcOfLine property value for the Procedure Name of the current line of Code.

     B)  If the Procedure Name of the current line is same as of the previous line, then go to C.

              Else save the current Code line’s Procedure Name in the next element of the Array().

     C)  Move to the next Code line and if End-of-lines reached, then go to D else repeat from A.

     D)  Create a string with the Procedure Names from the saved Array.

     E)  Display the list of Procedures in a Message Box.

     F)  End of Program.

The VBA Code.

Now let us write our VBA Code for the above program.

Public Function ListOfProcs(ByVal strModuleName As String)
'Courtesy : Microsoft Access
Dim mdl As Module
Dim linesCount As Long, DeclLines As Long
Dim strProcName As String, lngR As Long, intJ As Integer
Dim str_ProcNames() As String, lngK As Long
Dim strMsg As String

Set mdl = Modules(strModuleName)
'Total Count of lines in the Module
linesCount = mdl.CountOfLines

'Take the count of Global declaration lines
DeclLines = mdl.CountOfDeclarationLines
lngR = 1

'The first line below the declaration lines
'is the first procedure name in the Module
strProcName = mdl.ProcOfLine(DeclLines + 1, lngR)
'Re-dimension the str_ProcNames() Array for a single element
'and save the procedure name in the Array.
intJ = 0
ReDim Preserve str_ProcNames(intJ)
str_ProcNames(intJ) = strProcName
'Determine procedure Name for each line after declaraction lines
For lngK = DeclLines + 1 To linesCount
'compare current Code-line’s procedure name with earlier line’s name
 ‘if not matching then we have encountered a new procedure name
 If strProcName <> mdl.ProcOfLine(lngK, lngR) Then
 'increment array index by one
 intJ = intJ + 1
 'get the procedure name of the current program line
 strProcName = mdl.ProcOfLine(lngK, lngR)
 'Redimension the array for a new element by
 'preserving the data of earlier elements
 ReDim Preserve str_ProcNames(intJ)
 'Save the procedure name in the array 
str_ProcNames(intJ) = strProcName
 End If 
Next lngK
 'create the list of Procedure Names from Array to display 
strMsg = "Procedures in the Module: " & strModuleName & vbCr 
For intJ = 0 To UBound(str_ProcNames)
 strMsg = strMsg & str_ProcNames(intJ) & vbCr 
 MsgBox strMsg 
End Function 

Copy and paste the above program into a Standard Module and save it.

Run Code Directly from Debug Window.

To display a list of procedures from a Standard Module, display the Debug Window (Ctrl+G) and type the following command with a standard Module name as a parameter like a sample given below and press Enter Key:

ListOfProcs "Utility_Local"

A Sample run output of Procedure Names in a MsgBox, is shown below:

Form/Report Module Procedure Listing.

To take the list of procedures from a Form or Report Module use the following Syntax:

ListOfProcs "Form_myFormName"


ListOfProcs "Report_myReportName"

Sample run output from a Form Module.

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