Continued from Last Week.
Continued from last week’s Article: Disk Operating System Commands in VBA.
Once we determine the presence of a file in a folder with the Dir() Command we can do certain operations on the file, like opening that file in its parent application through the Shell() Command or making a copy of that file to a different location with the FileCopy() Command or delete it with the Kill() Command.
Check for the presence of a text file in a folder and if found open it in Notepad.exePublic Function OpenTextFile() Dim txtFilePath As String Dim NotePad As String txtFilePath = "C:\msaccesstips\htaccess.txt" NotePad = "C:\Windows\System32\Notepad.exe" If Dir(txtFilePath, vbNormal) = "htaccess.txt" Then Call Shell(NotePad & " " & txtFilePath, vbNormalFocus) Else MsgBox "File: " & txtFilePath & vbcr & "Not Found...!" End If End Function
: Make a copy of the file with the FileCopy() Command.Public Function CopyTextFile() Dim SourcefilePath As String Dim TargetFilePath As String SourcefilePath = "C:\msaccesstips\htaccess.txt" TargetFilePath = "C:\New Folder\htaccess.txt" If Dir(SourcefilePath, vbNormal) = "htaccess.txt" Then FileCopy SourcefilePath, TargetFilePath MsgBox "File copy complete." Else MsgBox "File Not Found...!" End If End Function
Example-3: Find and Delete a File from a specific location on Hard Disk.
Public Function DeleteFile() Dim FilePath As String, msgtxt As String FilePath = "C:\New Folder\htaccess.txt" If Dir(FilePath, vbNormal) = "htaccess.txt" Then msgtxt = "Delete File: " & FilePath & vbCr & vbCr msgtxt = msgtxt & "Proceed...?" If MsgBox(msgtxt, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 + vbQuestion, "DeleteFile()") = vbNo Then Exit Function End If Kill FilePath MsgBox "File: " & FilePath & vbCr & "Deleted from Disk." Else MsgBox "File: " & FilePath & vbCr & "Not Found...!" End If End Function
Check for a Folder Name:
Dir() Function also can be used for checking the presence of a folder in preparation for creating a new folder in a particular location on the Hard Drive.
The following Command checks for the presence of a particular folder on C: drive:
strOut = Dir("C:\Developers\Projects", vbDirectory)
The second parameter vbDirectory tells the Dir() command, what to look for and if the folder Projects is found under the C:\Developers folder, then the folder name Projects are returned in the strOut variable, otherwise returns an empty string.
The MKDIR Command
The MkDir() Command can be used for creating a new folder if the Projects folder doesn't exist.
Let us write a small program to check the presence of the Projects folder and if it doesn’t exist then let us create the folder.
Public Function CreateFolder() Dim folderPath As String Dim msgtxt As String folderPath = "C:\Developers\Projects" If Dir(folderPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then msgtxt = "Create new Folder: " & folderPath & vbCr & "Proceed ...?" If MsgBox(msgtxt, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1 + vbQuestion, "CreateFolder()") = vbNo Then Exit Function End If MkDir folderPath If Dir(folderPath, vbDirectory) = "Projects" Then msgtxt = folderPath & vbCr & "Created successfully." MsgBox msgtxt Else msgtxt = "Something went wrong," & vbCr & "Folder creation was not successful." MsgBox msgtxt End If Else msgtxt = folderPath & vbCr & "Already exists." MsgBox msgtxt End If End Function
The Dir() Command can check the volume label of the Disk Drive.
The following command, run directly from the Debug window gets the Volume Label of the Hard Drive if exists, otherwise, it returns an empty string:
? Dir("D:", vbVolume)