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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Missing Lines in Line-Chart


You spent several hours preparing the data for your Line-Chart.  Designed the Line-Chart on a Report with Title, Data Labels, and Legends, and it looks nice except for one big problem with the Profit/Loss line.  The Line doesn’t show up on the graph except for two marker points on Qrtr1 and Qrtr3 value points and nothing shows on Qrtr2 and Qrtr4 value locations.

Check the sample Graph Chart Image shown below with the points marked with yellow color on the Profit/Loss line:

Take a look at the following Graph Chart Image with the Source Table displayed:

Tracking Down the Real Issue.

Did you notice where the actual problem is?  In the Profit/Loss row, in Qrtr2 and Qrtr4 cells have Null values in the table resulting in the Graph Chart ignoring these cell values and not connecting other values with lines, without breaks in between. While preparing data (source Table/Query) for the Graph Chart ensure that none of the cells end up with a Null value. If there are Cells with Null values then fill them up with Zeroes.

The corrected Chart Table, filled with zero values in empty cells resulted in connecting the points with the line correctly on the Graph Chart image shown above. 

You can modify the Chart Source Value by modifying the Row Source Property SQL value, without directly updating zeroes on the Source Table.

Modifying the Chart Data Source Query.

  1. Open the Report with the Graph Chart in Design View.

  2. Click on the Chart’s outer frame to select it.

  3. Display the Property Sheet.

  4. Click on the build (. . .) button on the Row Source Property to open the Graph Chart Source Query in Design View.

  5. Modify the Query Columns to get the SQL modified as shown below:

    SELECT Chart.Desc, Val(nz([qrtr1],0)) AS [Qrtr-1], 
      Val(nz([qrtr2],0)) AS [Qrtr-2],
      Val(nz([qrtr3],0)) AS [Qrtr-3],
      Val(nz([qrtr4],0)) AS [Qrtr-4] FROM Chart;
  6. Save and close the Query.

  7. Open the Report with the Graph Chart in Print Preview mode to view the effect of the change.

  1. MS-Access and Graph Charts
  2. MS-Access and Graph Charts-2
  3. Working With Chart Object in VBA
  4. Column Chart and VBA
  5. Pie Chart Object and VBA
  6. Missing Lines in Line-Chart
  7. Pie Chart and Live Data on Form
  8. Scaling Chart Object
  9. Cross-Tab Union Queries for Chart

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