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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Exporting and Importing Data in Text Format


This is all about exporting data into Text File and sending it, through the Internet as an E-mail attachment, to a remote location.  At the receiving end, the Text data is converted back into its original form and added to an existing table.  No field delimiters, field names, or any other details are sent along with the actual data lines.  The Source and Target Tables should have identical Structures and these are known by the sending and receiving end users only.

Let us take a quick look at some sample data and what they look like when converted into Text Format.

Sample MS-Access Table: Export

MS-Access Table: Export text data-image, when exported into Text File: Export.txt.

As you can see from the above text image that each record from Access Table: Export is converted into a continuous stream of characters and written into the Text File in separate lines.  The Text File is saved with the same name as the Table: Export with the file extension .txt (Export.txt).

The first two data fields on the Source Table are Text Fields (size 15 characters each), the third field is Date type and the next five fields are of Numeric Type.

Data Field details are given below:

Seq Field Type Size
1. LastName Text 15
2. FirstName Text 15
3. DofB Date  
4. Height Number Integer
5. Weight Number Long Integer
6. H Number Single
7. W Number Double
8. Dcml Number Decimal

The VBA txtExport() Function Code

The VBA program given below reads the MS-Access Table, record by record, converts them into text format, and writes out into an external Text File, with the same name as the Source Table.  The text file:Export.txt is created in the Default Database Folder.  I have created the sample data Table with the name Export for Demo purposes only.  You can use any Table from your database, but see that it doesn’t contain any field types other than text, date, or Number.

Public Function txtExport(ByVal tblName As String)
'Purpose: Export Data into Text Format
'Author : a.p.r.pillai
'Date   : June, 2013
'Remarks: All Rights Reserved by www.msaccesstips.com
'Data Types
'Text - 10 = Actual size
'Date - 8 = 10 characters
'Integer - 3
'Long Integer - 4
'Single - 6
'Double - 7
'Decimal - 20
'Numeric types 3,4,6,7 or 20 = 12 characters

Dim tblSize() As Variant
Dim db As Database, rst As Recordset
Dim fld As Field, fldCount As Integer
Dim j As Integer, tbldef As TableDef
Dim numSize As Integer, dtSize As Integer
Dim fmt As String, outTxt As String
Dim outFileName As String

On Error GoTo txtExport_Err

numSize = 12
dtSize = 10

'Exported Text Filename is same as Tablename with file-extension .Txt
outFileName = tblName & ".txt"

Set db = CurrentDb
Set tbldef = db.TableDefs(tblName)
fldCount = tbldef.Fields.Count - 1
'A singly dimensioned Array of Variant Type 
'is decalred for number of fields in the Table. 
ReDim tblSize(fldCount) 

'The Array is initialized with text data type 
'for appropriate size to hold text, date & Numeric Values 
For j = 0 To fldCount 
   Set fld = tbldef.Fields(j) 
   Select Case fld.Type 
      Case 3, 4, 6, 7, 20 'Numeric data type 
        tblSize(j) = String(numSize, "0") 
      Case 8 'Date Data type 
        tblSize(j) = String(dtSize, "0") 
      Case 10 'Text data type 
        tblSize(j) = String(fld.Size, "x") 'Actual Text Field-size 
    End Select Next 

'Open the Source Table 
    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(tblName) 
    'Create and open the output text file in the same folder of the database 
    Open outFileName For Output As #1 
    'Read records till the end of Table and convert them into text format 
    Do While Not rst.EOF 
       For j = 0 To fldCount 
          Set fld = tbldef.Fields(j) 
          Select Case fld.Type 
             Case 3, 4, 6, 7, 20 
                fmt = "00000000.000" 
                'position data right-aligned into the text variable 
                RSet tblSize(j) = Format(rst.Fields(j).Value, fmt) 
             Case 8 
                fmt = "dd/mm/yyyy" 
                'position data right-aligned into the text variable 
                RSet tblSize(j) = Format(rst.Fields(j).Value, fmt) 
             Case 10 
                'position data left-aligned into the text variable 
                LSet tblSize(j) = rst.Fields(j).Value 
          End Select 
       outTxt = "" 
       For j = 0 To fldCount 
          'join all text data variables into a single text line 
          outTxt = outTxt & tblSize(j) 
          'Write into text file 
       Print #1, outTxt 
       'take next record to export 

'Close the Text File and other files 
Close #1 

Set db = Nothing 
Set tbldef = Nothing 
Set fld = Nothing 

Exit Function 

MsgBox Err & " : " & Err.Description, , "txtExport()" 
Resume txtExport_Exit 
End Function

Running the Code

You can Run the Program directly from the Debug Window Command line:

Syntax: txtExport "Table Name"

txtExport "Export"

Or run it from a Command Button Click Event Procedure

Private Sub cmdRun_Click()

txtExport "Export"

End Sub

The Data Format Change.

  1. When Text Type Field values are converted into output text the actual size of the field is calculated and the data is left-aligned within the actual size of the text field. If the field value is shorter than the actual size of the field, then the balance character positions are filled with spaces.
  2. Date Field value uses 10 characters (dd/mm/yyyy) when converted into text.
  3. All Numeric Field Values are converted into a 12 character text type and positioned Right-aligned in the output memory image, filled with zeroes at left positions.

NB: Date and Numeric Data text field sizes (Date=10, Number=12) are selected arbitrarily and can be modified if needed.  The MS-Access Table should have only the above three types of Data (Text, Date & Number) Fields in it.

The Text File created from MS-Access Table can be sent through E-Mail Attachment to the remote location.  The VBA Program given below can be used for converting the Text File back into Access Data and append into the Table with the same structure as the Source Table.

Public Function txtImport(ByVal txtFileName As String)
'txtFileName is same as Tablename with file-extension .txt
'Purpose: Import Text-Data into Table
'Author : a.p.r.pillai
'Date   : June, 2013
'Remarks: All Rights Reserved by www.msaccesstips.com
'Data Types
'Text - 10 = Actual size
'Date - 8 = 10 characters
'Integer - 3
'Long Integer - 4
'Single - 6
'Double - 7
'Decimal - 20
'Numeric types 3,4,6,7 or 20 = 12 characters

Dim tblSize() As Variant
Dim db As Database, rst As Recordset
Dim fld As Field, fldCount As Integer
Dim j As Integer, tbldef As TableDef
Dim numSize As Integer, dtSize As Integer
Dim fmt As String, outTxt As String
Dim inputFileName As String, I As Integer, k As Integer

On Error GoTo txtImport_Err

numSize = 12
dtSize = 10

inputFileName = txtFileName & ".txt"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set tbldef = db.TableDefs(txtFileName)
fldCount = tbldef.Fields.Count - 1

'A singly dimensioned Array of Variant Type
'is decalred for number of fields in the Table.
ReDim tblSize(fldCount)

'The Array is initialized with text data type
'for appropriate size to hold text, date & Numeric Values
For j = 0 To fldCount
   Set fld = tbldef.Fields(j)
   Select Case fld.Type
      Case 3, 4, 6, 7, 20 'Numeric data type
          tblSize(j) = String(numSize, "0")
      Case 8 'Date data type
          tblSize(j) = String(dtSize, "0")
      Case 10 'Text Field
          tblSize(j) = String(fld.Size, "x") ' Actual Text Field-size
   End Select

'Open the Target Table Export
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(txtFileName)

'Open the input text file
Open inputFileName For Input As #1

'Read the Text file, convert and add the data to the Target Table
  Do While Not EOF(1)
   'Read text data line
   Input #1, outTxt
   I = 1 'first field value off-set
   'Add a new record into the table

   For j = 0 To fldCount
      Set fld = tbldef.Fields(j)
      'read data size for extracting correct number of characters
      'from the text line
      k = Len(tblSize(j))
      Select Case fld.Type 'check the current field type
         Case 3, 4, 6, 7, 20 'if numeric data type then
          'Extract numeric data, convert and write into data field
            rst.Fields(j).Value = Val(Mid(outTxt, I, k))
            I = I + k 'increment to next field off-set
         Case 8 'if it is date then
          'Extract Date data, convert and write into data field
            rst.Fields(j).Value = CDate(Mid(outTxt, I, k))
            I = I + k 'increment to next field off-set
         Case 10 'Text data type
          'Extract Date data, convert and write into data field
            rst.Fields(j).Value = Mid(outTxt, I, k)
            I = I + k 'increment to next field off-set
       End Select
      'initialize the variable to read the next line of text data
      outTxt = ""

'No more text data in the file
Close #1
Set db = Nothing
Set tbldef = Nothing
Set fld = Nothing

Exit Function

MsgBox Err & " : " & Err.Description, , "txtImport()"
Resume txtImport_Exit

End Function

Debug Window Command line Run Syntax:

txtImport "Text File Name"

txtImport "Export"

NB: Text File Name is entered without the file extension (.TXT). Target Table should have the same structure as the Source Table.

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