This is the continuation of last Week’s Topic on Text Box AfterUpdate and LostFocus Event capturing and performing Validation Checks on values, in the Class Module Array.
Last week we stopped short of discussing how to move all the VBA codes from the Form_Load() Event Procedure into another Class Module and leave the Form Module almost empty of all Event Procedures. The VBA code defines the Text Box Control Class Module Array and invokes the required built-in Events in their respective Array elements. This method will need only three or four lines of Code on the Form Module and will take care of all the actions in a Derived Class Module Object.
Earlier we created Derived Class Objects, using Class Module as Base Class to extend the functionality of the Base Class. We will do that here too.
We have taken the Text Box Control first, instead of any other Control on the Form, for the Array-based examples because TextBoxes are the main controls used on Form. The TextBox has several Events, like BeforeUpdate, AfterUpdate, OnLostFocus, OnEnter, OnExit, KeyDown, KeyUp, OnKey, and several others, and depending on the requirements we can invoke one or more of the above Events in the Derived Class Object.
We can write some standard Event Procedures in the Class Module for all of the above sample Events in the Text Box’s Class Module. But, invoke only those required ones with the statement obj.txt.EventName = “[Event Procedure]” during the Array element declaration time.
The Class Module Event Sub-Routines may require customization of Code for different Form’s Text Box control values. The best approach is to create a TextBox Class Module Template with the most frequently used Event Procedures. Create a copy and customize it for a specific requirement.
Other Controls on the Form, like Command Buttons, Combo Boxes, List Boxes, and others, mostly use the Click or Double-Click Events only. We will take up this topic of managing different types of control Arrays on the same Form.
We will explore the possibility of better ways than Arrays to manage instances of different types of Controls on the Form.
Moving Form's Class Module Code to Derived Class Module
Coming back to today’s topic, moving the Form Module Code to a separate Class Module, we will create a Derived Class Module Object using the ClsTxtArray1_2 Class Module as Base Class. Move the Form Module Form_Load() Event Procedure Code into the new Class Object.
If you have not downloaded last week’s Demo Database then download it from the following link, before continuing. We will make copies of the Modules and Forms to modify the Code so that you will have both versions of the Code and Form on the same database. After making changes to the Code and Form Module you can instantly run and see how it works.
After downloading the database Open it in Ms-Access. You may open the Form Module and check the Code.
We have to copy the Class Module (ClsTxtArray1_2) Code into a new Class Module with a different name ClsTxtArray1_3 but without any change in the code. The form also must be copied with a different name frmTxtArray1_3Header. The changes, if any, will be done in the new Copy leaving the original safe and unaltered. This way the earlier Form and Class module will remain safe.
We will use last week’s sample Form (the image is given below) and the Form Module VBA Code also reproduced below for reference.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Ta() As New ClsTxtArray1_2 Private Sub Form_Load() Dim cnt As Integer Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In Me.Controls If TypeName(ctl) = "TextBox" Then cnt = cnt + 1 ReDim Preserve Ta(1 To cnt) Set Ta(cnt).Txt = ctl If ctl.Name = "Text8" Then Ta(cnt).Txt.OnLostFocus = "[Event Procedure]" Else Ta(cnt).Txt.AfterUpdate = "[Event Procedure]" End If End If Next End Sub
Make a Copy of the above Form and name it as frmTxtArray1_3Header.
Create a new Class Module with the name ClsTxtArray1_3. Copy the VBA Code from ClsTxtArray1_2 Class Module and Paste it into the new Module.
Last week’s Class Module ClsTxtArray1_2 Code is reproduced below for reference.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private WithEvents Txt As Access.TextBox Public Property Get mTxt() As Access.TextBox Set mTxt = Txt End Property Public Property Set mTxt(ByRef txtNewValue As Access.TextBox) Set Txt = txtNewValue End Property Private Sub Txt_AfterUpdate() Dim txtName As String, varVal As Variant Dim msg As String txtName = Txt.Name msg = "" Select Case txtName Case "Text0" 'Valid value range 1 to 5 only varVal = Nz(Txt.Value, 0) If varVal < 1 Or varVal > 5 Then msg = "Valid Value Range 1-5 only: " & varVal End If Case "Text8" 'validates in LostFocus Event Case "Text10" 'valid value 10 characters or less 'Removes extra characters, if entered varVal = Nz(Txt.Value, "") If Len(varVal) > 10 Then msg = "Max 10 Characters Only. " & varVal Txt.Value = Left(varVal, 10) End If Case "Text12" 'Date must be <= today 'Future date will be replaced with Today's date varVal = DateValue(Txt.Value) If varVal > Date Then msg = "Future Date Invalid. " & varVal & vbCr & "Corrected to Today's Date." Txt.Value = Date End If Case "Text14" 'A 10 digit number only valid varVal = Trim(Str(Nz(Txt.Value, 0))) If Len(varVal) <> 10 Then msg = "Invalid Mobile Number: " & varVal End If End Select If Len(msg) > 0 Then MsgBox msg, vbInformation, Txt.Name End If End Sub Private Sub Txt_LostFocus() Dim tbx As Variant, msg As String tbx = Nz(Txt.Value, "") msg = "" If Len(tbx) = 0 Then msg = Txt.Name & " cannot be left Empty." Txt.Value = "XXXXXXXXXX" End If If Len(msg) > 0 Then MsgBox msg, vbInformation, Txt.Name End If End Sub
The Derived Class: ClsTxtArray1_3Header
The ClsTxtArray1_3 Class Module will be used as the Base Class for our new Derived Class Module, we will name it as ClsTxtArray1_3Header, with extended functionality.
Create a new Class Module with the name ClsTxtArray1_3Header. The Derived Class Module, with its Properties and Property Procedures, is given below:
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Ta() As New ClsTxtArray1_3 Private frm As Access.Form Public Property Get mFrm() As Access.Form Set mFrm = frm End Property Public Property Set mFrm(vFrm As Access.Form) Set frm = vFrm Call Class_Init End Property Private Sub Class_Init() 'Form Module Code goes here End Sub
Copy and paste the above code into the new Header Class Module you have created.
Check the first two Property declarations. First Property ClsTxtArray1_3 Class Object is instantiated as an undefined Array: Ta() – Ta stands for TextBox-Array.
The next Property frm is to take control of the Form, from where we plan to transfer the VBA Code here and whatever we did there will be done here.
Next Get/Set Property Procedure will take care of the Form’s references. It is Set Property Procedure not Let, because we are passing a Form Object to it.
Immediately after the Form’s reference is received in the Set Property Procedure we call the Class_Init() (this is not the same as Class_Initialize() that runs automatically when a Class Object is instantiated) sub-routine to run the same code moved here from the Form’s Module.
Now, we will transfer the following Code from the Form_Load() Event Procedure into the Class_Init() sub-routine and make changes in the Form Module.
Copy and Paste the following lines of code from the Form Module into the Class_init() sub-routine, replacing the Comment line:
Dim cnt As Integer Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In frm.Controls If TypeName(ctl) = "TextBox" Then cnt = cnt + 1 ReDim Preserve Ta(1 To cnt) Set Ta(cnt).Txt = ctl Select Case ctl.Name Case "Text8" 'Only LostFocus Event Ta(cnt).Txt.OnLostFocus = "[Event Procedure]" Case Else 'All other text Boxes wiil trigger AfterUpdate Event 'i.e. entering/editing value in textbox Ta(cnt).Txt.AfterUpdate = "[Event Procedure]" End Select End If Next
Form's Class Module Code
Open the Form frmTxtArray1_3Header in the design view. Display the Code Module. Copy and Paste the following Code into the Form's Module, overwriting the existing Code:
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private T As New ClsTxtArray1_3Header Private Sub Form_Load() Set T.mFrm = Me End Sub
We have instantiated the Derived Class ClsTxtArray1_3Header in Object Variable T,. With the statement Set T.mFrm = Me the active form's reference is passed to the T.mFrm() Set Property Procedure.
Immediately after this action, on the form_Load() Event procedure, the Class_Init() sub-routine runs in the ClsTxtArray1_3Header Class and the txtArray1_3 Class Object array elements are created by invoking Events for each Text Box on the Form. Hope you are clear with the Code above.
If you are ready with modifying the Form Module, Compile the database to ensure that everything is in order.
Save and close the Form, Open it in Normal View and try out each TextBox and ensure that their Event sub-routines are performing as expected.
Replacing Class Object Array with Collection Object Items
The TextBox Class Object Array method works fine for several TextBoxes. But, to create an Array, it should have a counter variable, Re-dimension the array for a new element preserving the data in earlier array elements. Increment the counter variable for the next Text Box on the Form and so on.
When there are several controls of the other types also on the Form (like Command Buttons, CommboBoxes, etc.) we need to create Arrays of that Type’s Class Objects separately, with separate counter and re-dimension those controls Array too in the Class Module. We will try these sometime later, to learn how to do it.
But, a better way to manage these complex situations is to use the Collection Object, in place of the Array. We will run a demo here itself with the TextBoxes to get a feel for this method.
- Create a new Derived Class Module with the name ClsTxtArray1_3Coll.
- Copy and Paste the following Code into the Class Module:
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private C As New Collection Private Ta As ClsTxtArray1_3 Private frm As Access.Form Public Property Get mFrm() As Access.Form Set mFrm = frm End Property Public Property Set mFrm(vFrm As Access.Form) Set frm = vFrm Call Class_Init End Property Private Sub Class_Init() '----------------------------- 'Usage of Collection Object, replacing Arrays '----------------------------- Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In frm.Controls If TypeName(ctl) = "TextBox" Then Set Ta = New ClsTxtArray1_3 'instantiate TextBox Class Set Ta.Txt = ctl 'pass control to Public Class Property Select Case ctl.Name Case "Text8" 'Only LostFocus Event Ta.Txt.OnLostFocus = "[Event Procedure]" Case Else 'All other text Boxes wiil trigger AfterUpdate Event 'i.e. entering/editing value in textbox Ta.Txt.AfterUpdate = "[Event Procedure]" End Select C.Add Ta 'add to Collection Object End If Next End Sub
A Collection Object Property is declared and instantiated at the beginning.
The TextBox Class Module is defined, not instantiated, in Object Variable Ta.
The TextBox Class Ta Object is instantiated within the Control Type Test condition. A new Ta Object instance is created for each TextBox on the Form.
After enabling the Events the Ta Class Object is added to the Collection Object as its Item.
This method is repeated by adding a new instance of the TextBox class Object for each Text Box on the Form, with its required Events enabled, as a new Item to the Collection Object. The Code is cleaner than the Array method.
Make a copy of the Form frmTxtArray1_3Header with the name frmTxtArray1_3Coll.
- Open it in Design View and display the Form's Code Module.
- Copy and Paste the Following Code into the Form Module, replacing the existing Code.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Ta As New ClsTxtArray1_3Coll Private Sub Form_Load() Set Ta.mFrm = Me End Sub
The only change here is the Derived Object's name change to ClstxtArray1_3Coll. Compile the database again.
Save the Form, Open it in normal View. Test the TextBoxes as before.
It should work as before.
You may download the database with all the Modules and Forms with all the suggested changes.Links to WithEvents ...Tutorials.
- WithEvents Ms-Access Class Module Tutorial
- WithEvents and Defining Your Own Events
- withevents Button Combo List TextBox Tab
- Access Form Control Arrays and Event Capturing
- Access Form Control Arrays and Event-2
- Access Form Control Arrays and Event-3
- WithEvents in Class Module for Sub-Form TextBox Events
- WithEvents in Class Module and Data Entry
- WithEvents and Access Report Event Sink
- WithEvents and Report Lines Hiding
- WithEvents and Report Lines Highlighting
- Withevents TextBox and Command Button Arrays
- Withevents TextBox CommandButton Dictionary
- Withevents and all Form Control Types
The ClsTxtArray1_3 class has only two items in it i.e. AfterUpdate and LostFocus but when you look at the IntelliSense list when you type the dot after Ta(cnt).Txt you get AfterUpdate and OnLostFocus?
ReplyDeleteAs I have mentioned, somewhere in the beginning of this page, the Textbox Control have several built-in Events, out of them we are using only one or two of them like AfterUpdate or OnLostFocus or OnGotFocus (or all the three depending on what we want to do on these Events) etc. based on the requirement of that particular field.
ReplyDeleteSelect a TextBox (say TextBox8) on a Form and display it's Property Sheet. By looking at the Event Properties you can find the OnLostFocus Event. When you select the [Event Procedure] on the Property Sheet the Private Sub Text8_LostFocus() empty Property Procedure is inserted into the Form's Class Module.
When we invoke the same Property Procedure through Code the Statement will be like T.txt.OnLostFocus = "[Event Procedure]". To Capture this Event when triggered on the Form we should have the Property Procedure Private Sub txt_LostFocus() in the Class Module to capture the Event do what we would like to perform on this Event.
The TextBox Control have several Events and whatever event we enable we should have a corresponding Event Procedure on the Class Module to capture them.
Here, we have taken only the AfterUpdate and OnLostFocus Events only for our trial runs.
Can you do something similar with the KeyPress event so you can have your derived class fire on the KeyPress event of any textbox on your form?