Streamlined Custom Made Form Wizard.
This blog post was published earlier in December 2008 under Access 2003 and is now updated using the streamlined VBA Coding method in the standalone Class Modules.
The Form Wizard can create two Types of Forms, one in Column Format and the other in Tabular Format. Why do we need a custom Form Wizard, when Form and Report Wizards are already built-in to the Access System?
I was curious about the technique used in the built-in Form/Report Wizards. Additionally, I find creating tabular forms with fixed-length fields remarkably convenient for customization, especially when dealing with a substantial number of columns in an Access Form or Report.
The Forms Wizard is built using a TabControl with two Pages.
The First Page of the Wizard.
The ListBox on the top has Wizard Type Selection, Column Type, or Tubular Type Form.
The Combobox below will have the list of Tables and Query names, picked up from the Database System Table, with the use of a query, and added as Source Items of the Combobox.
The SQL of the Query is given below.
SELECT MSysObjects.Name FROM MSysObjects WHERE (((MSysObjects.Type)=1 Or (MSysObjects.Type)=5) AND ((Left([Name],4))<>'WizQ') AND ((Left([Name],1))<>'~') AND ((MSysObjects.Flags)=0)) ORDER BY MSysObjects.Type, MSysObjects.Name;
The options seen selected in both ListBox and ComboBox are selected by default. You may change the Options before proceeding to the next level by clicking on the Command Button with the Caption Next.
The Second Wizard Page Image.
The Selected Table or Query Fields will appear in the left-side ListBox Control. You may Add the required field by selecting the Field and then clicking on the > Button individually. If all the Fields are required then click on the >> Button.
Similarly, remove the selected Fields, if not required from the selected list of fields, using the left-side pointing arrow < or << Buttons. If no fields are selected the Command Button with the Finish caption will remain disabled.
When the required fields are selected Click on the Finish Command Button to create the Form and to open in Normal View.
The FormWizard Form Module VBA Code.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private obj As New FWizObject_Init Private Sub Form_Load() Set obj.fm_fom = Me End Sub
The FWizObject_Init Class Module contains the List of Object-level Wrapper Classes. The FWizObject_Init Class Module VBA Code is given below.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private fom As Access.Form Private cmdb As FWiz_CmdButton Private lstb As FWiz_ListBox Private comb As FWiz_Combo Private tb As FWiz_TabCtl Private Coll As New Collection 'Wizard Functions Running Command Button Instance' 'Functions are placed in this Module Private WithEvents cmdFinish As Access.CommandButton Dim DarkBlue As Long, twips As Long, xtyp As Integer, strFile As String Public Property Get fm_fom() As Form Set fm_fom = fom End Property Public Property Set fm_fom(ByRef mfom As Form) Set fom = mfom Call Class_Init End Property Private Sub Class_Init() Dim Ctl As Control Const EP = "[Event Procedure]" 'Filter Table/Select Query Names for ComboBox Call Create_FilesList For Each Ctl In fom.Controls Select Case Ctl.ControlType Case acTabCtl Set tb = New FWiz_TabCtl Set tb.Tb_Frm = fom Set tb.Tb_Tab = Ctl tb.Tb_Tab.OnChange = EP Coll.Add tb Set tb = Nothing Case acCommandButton Select Case Ctl.Name Case "cmdForm" 'Not to add in the Collection object 'The Click Event Runs the Wizard Functions 'from this Class Module, not from the 'Wrapper Class - FWiz_CmdButton Set cmdFinish = fom.cmdForm cmdFinish.OnClick = EP Case Else Set cmdb = New FWiz_CmdButton Set cmdb.w_Frm = fom Set cmdb.w_cmd = Ctl cmdb.w_cmd.OnClick = EP Coll.Add cmdb Set cmdb = Nothing End Select Case acComboBox Set comb = New FWiz_Combo Set comb.cbo_Frm = fom Set comb.c_cbo = Ctl comb.c_cbo.OnGotFocus = EP comb.c_cbo.OnLostFocus = EP Case acListBox Set lstb = New FWiz_ListBox Set lstb.lst_Frm = fom Set lstb.m_lst = Ctl lstb.m_lst.OnGotFocus = EP lstb.m_lst.OnLostFocus = EP Coll.Add lstb Set lstb = Nothing End Select Next End Sub Private Sub cmdFinish_Click() xtyp = fom!WizList strFile = fom!FilesList If xtyp = 1 Then Columns strFile Else Tabular strFile End If DoCmd.Close acForm, fom.Name End Sub 'Create Tables/Queries List for Private Sub Create_FilesList() Dim strSQL1 As String Dim cdb As DAO.Database Dim Qry As DAO.QueryDef Dim FList As ComboBox On Error GoTo Create_FilesList_Err DoCmd.Restore strSQL1 = "SELECT MSysObjects.Name " _ & "FROM MSysObjects " _ & "WHERE (((MSysObjects.Type)=1 Or (MSysObjects.Type)=5) " _ & "AND ((Left([Name],4))<>'WizQ') AND ((Left([Name],1))<>'~') " _ & "AND ((MSysObjects.Flags)=0)) " _ & "ORDER BY MSysObjects.Type, MSysObjects.Name;" DarkBlue = 8388608 twips = 1440 Set cdb = CurrentDb Set Qry = cdb.QueryDefs("WizQuery") If Err = 3265 Then Set Qry = cdb.CreateQueryDef("WizQuery") Qry.SQL = strSQL1 cdb.QueryDefs.Append Qry cdb.QueryDefs.Refresh Err.Clear End If With Forms("FormWizard") Set FList = .FilesList .FilesList.RowSource = "WizQuery" .FilesList.Requery End With Create_FilesList_Exit: Exit Sub Create_FilesList_Err: MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "Create_FilesList()" Resume Create_FilesList_Exit End Sub 'Wizard Functions Private Function Columns(ByVal DataSource As String) '------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Author : a.p.r. pillai 'Date : Sept-2000 'URL : 'All Rights Reserved by '------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim cdb As Database Dim FldList() As String Dim Ctrl As Control Dim frm As Form Dim HdSection As Section Dim DetSection As Section Dim FrmFields As ListBox Dim lngTxtLeft As Long Dim lngTxtTop As Long Dim lngTxtHeight As Long Dim lngtxtwidth As Long Dim lngLblLeft As Long Dim lngLblTop As Long Dim lngLblHeight As Long Dim lngLblWidth As Long Dim FldCheck As Boolean Dim strTblQry As String Dim intflds As Integer Dim lstcount As Long Dim j As Integer 'Create Form with Selected Fields On Error GoTo Columns_Err strFile = DataSource Set FrmFields = Forms("FormWizard").SelList lstcount = FrmFields.listcount If lstcount = 0 Then MsgBox "Fields Not Selected for Form", , "FormWizard" Exit Function Else lstcount = lstcount - 1 End If ReDim FldList(0 To lstcount) As String Set cdb = CurrentDb Set frm = CreateForm Application.RunCommand acCmdFormHdrFtr With frm .DefaultView = 0 .ViewsAllowed = 0 .DividingLines = False .Section(acFooter).Visible = True .Section(acFooter).Height = 0.1667 * twips '0.1667 Inches .Section(acHeader).DisplayWhen = 0 .Section(acHeader).Height = 0.5 * twips '0.5 Inches End With Set HdSection = frm.Section(acHeader) HdSection.Height = 0.6667 * twips Set DetSection = frm.Section(acDetail) DetSection.Height = 0.166 * twips For j = 0 To lstcount FldList(j) = FrmFields.ItemData(j) Next With frm .RecordSource = strFile .Caption = strFile lngtxtwidth = 1.25 * twips lngTxtLeft = 1.6694 * twips lngTxtTop = 0 lngTxtHeight = 0.21 * twips lngLblLeft = 0.073 * twips lngLblTop = 0 '0.5 * twips lngLblWidth = 1.5208 * twips lngLblHeight = lngTxtHeight End With For j = 0 To lstcount 'Create Field Child Label Set Ctrl = CreateControl(frm.Name, acLabel, acDetail, _ FldList(j), FldList(j), lngLblLeft, lngLblTop, lngLblWidth, lngLblHeight) With Ctrl .Caption = FldList(j) .Name = FldList(j) & " Label" .Width = 1.5208 * twips .ForeColor = 0 .BorderColor = 0 .BorderStyle = 0 .FontWeight = 400 ' Normal 700 ' Bold Select Case (1 / 9) Case 1, 2, 3 lngLblTop = 0 lngLblLeft = lngLblLeft + (2.7083 * twips) Case Else lngLblTop = lngLblTop + .Height + (0.1 * 1440) End Select End With 'Create Field TextBox Set Ctrl = CreateControl(frm.Name, acTextBox, acDetail, , _ FldList(j), lngTxtLeft, lngTxtTop, lngtxtwidth, lngTxtHeight) With Ctrl .ControlSource = FldList(j) .FontName = "Arial" .FontSize = 10 .Name = FldList(j) .BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) .ForeColor = 0 .BorderColor = 9868950 .BorderStyle = 1 .SpecialEffect = 2 Select Case (j / 9) Case 1, 2, 3 lngTxtTop = 0 lngTxtLeft = lngTxtLeft + (3.7084 * twips) Case Else lngTxtTop = lngTxtTop + .Height + (0.1 * twips) End Select End With Next 'Create Heading Label Call CreateHeading(frm) Columns_Exit: Exit Function Columns_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Columns()" Resume Columns_Exit End Function Private Function Tabular(ByVal DataSource As String) '------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Author : a.p.r. pillai 'Date : Sept-2000 'URL : 'All Rights Reserved by '------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim cdb As Database Dim FldList() As String Dim Ctrl As Control Dim frm As Form Dim HdSection As Section Dim DetSection As Section Dim lngTxtLeft As Long Dim lngTxtTop As Long Dim lngTxtHeight As Long Dim lngtxtwidth As Long Dim lngLblLeft As Long Dim lngLblTop As Long Dim lngLblHeight As Long Dim lngLblWidth As Long Dim FldCheck As Boolean Dim strTblQry As String Dim intflds As Integer Dim lstcount As Long Dim FrmFields As ListBox Dim j As Integer 'Create Form with Selected Fields strFile = DataSource On Error GoTo Tabular_Err Set FrmFields = Forms("FormWizard").SelList lstcount = FrmFields.listcount If lstcount = 0 Then MsgBox "Fields Not Selected for the Form" Exit Function Else lstcount = lstcount - 1 End If ReDim FldList(0 To lstcount) As String Set cdb = CurrentDb Set frm = CreateForm Application.RunCommand acCmdFormHdrFtr With frm .DefaultView = 1 .ViewsAllowed = 0 .DividingLines = False .Section(acFooter).Visible = True .Section(acHeader).DisplayWhen = 0 .Section(acHeader).Height = 0.5 * 1440 .Section(acFooter).Height = 0.1667 * 1440 End With Set HdSection = frm.Section(acHeader) HdSection.Height = 0.6667 * twips Set DetSection = frm.Section(acDetail) DetSection.Height = 0.166 * twips For j = 0 To lstcount FldList(j) = FrmFields.ItemData(j) Next With frm .Caption = strFile .RecordSource = strFile lngtxtwidth = 0.5 * twips 'Inches lngTxtLeft = 0.073 * twips lngTxtTop = 0 lngTxtHeight = 0.166 * twips lngLblWidth = lngtxtwidth lngLblLeft = lngTxtLeft lngLblTop = 0.5 * twips lngLblHeight = lngTxtHeight End With For j = 0 To lstcount 'Create Fields in the Detail Section Set Ctrl = CreateControl(frm.Name, acTextBox, acDetail, , _ FldList(j), lngTxtLeft, lngTxtTop, lngtxtwidth, lngTxtHeight) With Ctrl .ControlSource = FldList(j) .Name = FldList(j) .FontName = "Verdana" .Width = (0.5 * twips) 'Inches .FontSize = 8 .ForeColor = 0 .BorderColor = 12632256 .BackColor = 16777215 .BorderStyle = 1 .SpecialEffect = 0 lngTxtLeft = lngTxtLeft + (0.5 * twips) End With 'Field Heading Labels Set Ctrl = CreateControl(frm.Name, acLabel, acHeader, , _ FldList(j), lngLblLeft, lngLblTop, lngLblWidth, lngLblHeight) With Ctrl .Caption = FldList(j) .Name = FldList(j) & " Label" .Width = (0.5 * twips) .ForeColor = DarkBlue .BorderColor = DarkBlue .BorderStyle = 1 .FontWeight = 700 ' Bold lngLblLeft = lngLblLeft + (0.5 * twips) End With Next 'Heading Label Call CreateHeading(frm) Tabular_Exit: Exit Function Tabular_Err: MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "Tabular()" Resume Tabular_Exit End Function Private Function CreateHeading(ByRef hFrm As Form) Dim Ctl As Control Dim lngLblLeft As Long Dim lngLblTop As Long Dim lngLblWidth As Long Dim lngLblHeight As Long On Error GoTo CreateHeading_Err lngLblLeft = 0.073 * twips lngLblTop = 0.0521 * twips lngLblWidth = 1.5208 * twips lngLblHeight = 0.323 & twips 'Create Heading Label Set Ctl = CreateControl(hFrm.Name, acLabel, acHeader, , _ "Head1", lngLblLeft, lngLblTop, lngLblWidth, lngLblHeight) With Ctl .Caption = strFile .TextAlign = 2 .Width = 4.5 * twips .Height = 0.38 * twips .ForeColor = DarkBlue .BorderStyle = 0 .BorderColor = DarkBlue .FontName = "Arial" .FontSize = 18 .FontWeight = 700 ' Bold .FontItalic = True .FontUnderline = True End With DoCmd.OpenForm hFrm.Name, acNormal CreateHeading_Exit: Exit Function CreateHeading_Err: MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "CreateHeading()" Resume CreateHeading_Exit End Function
There is a separate Command Button Instance with the name cmdFinish created in the Intermediate Class Module FWizObject_Init to run all the Wizard-related Functions placed in the main Class Module. The cmdFinish_Click() Event Procedure runs the Wizard Functions.
Private Sub cmdFinish_Click() xtyp = fom!WizList strFile = fom!FilesList If xtyp = 1 Then Columns strFile Else Tabular strFile End If DoCmd.Close acForm, fom.Name 'Closes the Wizard Form. End Sub
Sample Form Images, both Column and Tabular Forms are created, using the Categories Table given below.
Wizard Created Form in Column Format.
Wizard Form in Tabular Format with Categories Table.
The Tabular Form is created with fixed-width Fields and needs to be modified with the required width of each Field.
The Command Buttons Wrapper Class: FWiz_CmdButton VBA Code.
The Command Button Wrapper Class Module FWiz_CmdButton VBA Code is given below for your Reference. Other Related Wrapper Classes contain a few lines of Event Procedure VBA Code you may open the Class Modules and study them from the attached Demo Database.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private WithEvents cmd As CommandButton Private frm As Form Dim DarkBlue As Long, twips As Long, xtyp As Integer, strFile As String Public Property Get w_Frm() As Form Set w_Frm = frm End Property Public Property Set w_Frm(ByRef wFrm As Form) Set frm = wFrm End Property Public Property Get w_cmd() As CommandButton Set w_cmd = cmd End Property Public Property Set w_cmd(ByRef wcmd As CommandButton) Set cmd = wcmd End Property Private Sub cmd_Click() Dim lblInfo As String Select Case cmd.Name Case "cmdCancel2" DoCmd.Close acForm, frm.Name Case "cmdNext" If frm.SelList.listcount = 0 Then frm.cmdForm.Enabled = False Else frm.cmdForm.Enabled = True End If lblInfo = "Table/Query: " & frm!FilesList If frm!WizList = 1 Then lblInfo = lblInfo & " - Columnar Form." Else lblInfo = lblInfo & " - Tabular Form." End If frm!info.Caption = lblInfo Call SelectTable Case "cmdCancel" DoCmd.Close acForm, frm.Name Case "cmdRight" RightAll 1 Case "cmdRightAll" RightAll 2 Case "cmdLeft" LeftAll 1 Case "cmdLeftAll" LeftAll 2 Case "cmdBack" frm.FilesList.RowSource = "WizQuery" frm.Page1.Visible = True frm.Page1.SetFocus frm.Page2.Visible = False End Select End Sub Private Sub SelectTable() Dim vizlist As ListBox, lcount As Integer, chkflag As Boolean Dim FildList As ListBox, strName As String, strRSource As String Dim cdb As Database, doc As Document Dim Tbl As TableDef, Qry As QueryDef, QryTyp As Integer Dim flag As Byte, FieldCount As Integer, j As Integer Set vizlist = frm.WizList lcount = vizlist.listcount - 1 chkflag = False For j = 0 To lcount If vizlist.Selected(j) = True Then xtyp = j + 1 chkflag = True End If Next If IsNull(frm![FilesList]) = True Then MsgBox "Select a File from Table/Query List.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "cmdNext" frm.WizList.Selected(0) = True Else strFile = frm.FilesList frm.Page2.Visible = True frm.Page2.SetFocus frm.Page1.Visible = False Set cdb = CurrentDb flag = 0 For Each Tbl In cdb.TableDefs If Tbl.Name = strFile Then flag = 1 End If Next For Each Qry In cdb.QueryDefs If Qry.Name = strFile Then flag = 2 End If Next If flag = 1 Then Set Tbl = cdb.TableDefs(strFile) Set FildList = frm.FldList strRSource = "" FieldCount = Tbl.Fields.Count - 1 For j = 0 To FieldCount If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = Tbl.Fields(j).Name Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & Tbl.Fields(j).Name End If Next ElseIf flag = 2 Then Set Qry = cdb.QueryDefs(strFile) strRSource = "" FieldCount = Qry.Fields.Count - 1 For j = 0 To FieldCount If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = Qry.Fields(j).Name Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & Qry.Fields(j).Name End If Next End If frm.FldList.RowSource = strRSource frm.FldList.Requery End If End Sub Private Function RightAll(ByVal SelectionType As Integer) Dim FldList As ListBox, SelctList As ListBox, strRSource As String Dim listcount As Long, j As Long, strRS2 As String On Error GoTo RightAll_Err If SelectionType = 0 Then Exit Function End If Set FldList = Forms("FormWizard").FldList Set SelctList = Forms("FormWizard").SelList listcount = FldList.listcount - 1 strRSource = SelctList.RowSource: strRS2 = "" Select Case SelectionType Case 1 For j = 0 To listcount If FldList.Selected(j) = True Then If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = FldList.ItemData(j) Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & FldList.ItemData(j) End If Else If Len(strRS2) = 0 Then strRS2 = FldList.ItemData(j) Else strRS2 = strRS2 & ";" & FldList.ItemData(j) End If End If Next SelctList.RowSource = strRSource FldList.RowSource = strRS2 SelctList.Requery FldList.Requery frm.cmdForm.Enabled = True Case 2 For j = 0 To listcount If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = FldList.ItemData(j) Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & FldList.ItemData(j) End If Next SelctList.RowSource = strRSource FldList.RowSource = "" SelctList.Requery FldList.Requery frm.cmdForm.Enabled = False End Select frm.cmdForm.Enabled = True RightAll_Exit: Exit Function RightAll_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "RightAll" Resume RightAll_Exit End Function Private Function LeftAll(ByVal SelectionType As Integer) Dim FldList As ListBox, SelctList As ListBox, strRSource As String Dim listcount As Long, j As Long, strRS2 As String On Error GoTo LeftAll_Err If SelectionType = 0 Then Exit Function End If Set FldList = Forms("FormWizard").FldList Set SelctList = Forms("FormWizard").SelList listcount = SelctList.listcount - 1 strRSource = FldList.RowSource: strRS2 = "" Select Case SelectionType Case 1 For j = 0 To listcount If SelctList.Selected(j) = True Then If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = SelctList.ItemData(j) Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & SelctList.ItemData(j) End If Else If Len(strRS2) = 0 Then strRS2 = SelctList.ItemData(j) Else strRS2 = strRS2 & ";" & SelctList.ItemData(j) End If End If Next SelctList.RowSource = strRS2 FldList.RowSource = strRSource SelctList.Requery FldList.Requery If SelctList.listcount = 0 Then frm.cmdForm.Enabled = False End If Case 2 For j = 0 To listcount If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = SelctList.ItemData(j) Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & SelctList.ItemData(j) End If Next SelctList.RowSource = "" FldList.RowSource = strRSource SelctList.Requery FldList.Requery If SelctList.listcount = 0 Then frm.cmdForm.Enabled = False End If End Select LeftAll_Exit: Exit Function LeftAll_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "LeftAll" Resume LeftAll_Exit End Function
Demo Database Download Link:
Streamlining Form Module Code in Standalone Class Module.
- Reusing Form Module VBA Code for New Projects.
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Two.
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Three
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Four
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Five
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Six
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Seven
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Eight
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Nine
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Ten
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Elevan
- Streamlining Report Module Code in Class Module
- Streamlining Module Code Report Line Hiding-13.
- Streamlining Form Module Code Part-14.
- Streamlining Custom Made Form Wizard-15.
- Streamlining VBA Custom Made Report Wizard-16.
- Streamlining VBA External Files List in Hyperlinks-17
- Streamlining Events VBA 3D Text Wizard-18
- Streamlining Events VBA RGB Color Wizard-19
- Streamlining Events Numbers to Words-20
- Access Users Group(Europe) Presentation-21
- The Event Firing Mechanism of MS Access-22
- One TextBox and Three Wrapper Class Instances-23
- Streamlining Code Synchronized Floating Popup Form-24
- Streamlining Code Compacting/Repair Database-25
- Streamlining Code Remainder Popup Form-26
- Streamlining Code Editing Data in Zoom-in Control-27
- Streamlining Code Filter By Character and Sort-28
- Table Query Records in Collection Object-29
- Class for All Data Entry Editing Forms-30
- Wrapper Class Module Creation Wizard-31
- wrapper-class-template-wizard-v2
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