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Wrapper Class Module Creation Wizard

Streamlining Form Module Code in Standalone Class Module.

Wrapper Class Module Wizard.

We organize controls on the form into groups based on their type, such as TextBox/Field, CommandButton, or ComboBox, and create separate wrapper class modules for each group to handle their event subroutine codes. All class modules follow a similar structure, with declarations for the Form and Control objects in the global area, and followed by property procedures for these objects.

Event Subroutines come next and need the correct TextBox/Field Names from the form for writing the Code below each Case statement within a Subroutine. Memorizing control names accurately is challenging, making it necessary to frequently refer to the Property sheet of the controls on the form. This process involves repeated back-and-forth navigation between the class module and the form's design view.

The ClassWizard Form Image.  

Class Template Wizard

When the Database's Form is open, we normally scan it for various types of controls, as part of the new Streamlined Event Subroutine Coding Procedure and can easily save the Control Names into Text files on the disk. Separate Text Files can be created by control type groups, like; with TextBox names in one file, CommandButton names in another, and ComboBox names in their own separate text file. This method simplifies referencing control names and reduces the need to switch back and forth between the Class Module and the form's design view.

So, we have now the following necessary elements for building the ClassWrapper Class Templates with Code:

  1. Global Declaration of Objects.
  2. The Standard Property Procedures for the declared Objects.

  3. The Control Names, are collected from the Form in a Text File in Disk.  We can build a single sample Subroutine structure, with all the Field Names placed within the Select Case Statements.

Once the Wrapper Class Module Template (ClassTextBox_Template) is created with a sample BeforeUpdate() event subroutine Code using the Class Wizard, you can copy and paste the BeforeUpdate() event subroutine structure for other events, such as GotFocus() or LostFocus(), by modifying their event names. You can then write the specific code for these events. Unwanted field names can be removed from the case statements to ensure the code remains clean and relevant. 

The Wizard's input file, TextBoxFields.txt, contains field names from the Employees table. These names are saved when the Employee Form is open and run the Class_Init() subroutine in the Class_ObjInit Class Module. Below is an example of this input file for the Class Wizard Program.

TextBoxFields.txt File contents.

Last Name
First Name
E-mail Address
Job Title
ZIP/Postal Code

The above Field List File is created from the Employees Form's Class_Init() Subroutine in the Class_ObjInit Intermediary Class Module.

The Employees Form Image is given below, with some not-in-use CommandButtons and ComboBoxes added for trial run purposes.

Employees Form for Wizard

The new Class_Init() Subroutine Code of Employees Form with the Text File creation Code is listed below.

Private Sub Class_Init()
Dim ProjectPath As String
Dim txtPath As String
Dim cmdPath As String
Dim ComboPath As String
Dim ctl As Control

On Error GoTo ClassInit_Err

Const EP = "[Event Procedure]"

'Save TextBox, CommandButton & CombBox Names
'to the Text Files for creating Event Subroutine Template
ProjectPath = CurrentProject.Path & "\"

txtPath = ProjectPath & "TextBoxFields.txt"
cmdPath = ProjectPath & "CmdButtonsList.txt"
ComboPath = ProjectPath & "ComboBoxList.txt"

If Len(Dir(txtPath)) > 0 Then 'delete earlier file
  Kill txtPath
End If

If Len(Dir(cmdPath)) > 0 Then 'delete earlier file
  Kill cmdPath
End If

If Len(Dir(ComboPath)) > 0 Then 'delete earlier file
  Kill ComboPath
End If

Open txtPath For Output As #1 'TextBoxFields.txt for writing
Open cmdPath For Output As #2 'CmdButtonsList.txt
Open ComboPath For Output As #3 'ComboBoxList.txt

'Instantiate the 'Data_txtBox' Class for each TextBox
'on the Form for streamlined Event Procedures Coding
For Each ctl In Frm.Controls
    Select Case TypeName(ctl)
        Case "TextBox"
            Set txt = New Data_TxtBox
            Set txt.m_Frm = Frm
            Set txt.m_txt = ctl
    Print #1, ctl.Name 'write Field/TextBox Name in TextBoxFields.txt File
'//Colin Riddington Technique: Highlighting BackColor on GotFocus
                txt.m_txt.BackColor = 62207 'yellow
                txt.m_txt.BackStyle = 0
                txt.m_txt.BeforeUpdate = EP
                txt.m_txt.OnDirty = EP
                Coll.Add txt 'Add Data_TxtBox Class Instance to Collection
                Set txt = Nothing 'Reset txt object
      Case "CommandButton"
            Set cmd = New Data_CmdButton
            Set cmd.Obj_Form = Frm
            Set cmd.cmd_Button = ctl
    Print #2, ctl.Name 'write CmdButton Name in CmdButtonsList.txt File
                cmd.cmd_Button.OnClick = EP
                Coll.Add cmd
                Set cmd = Nothing
      Case "ComboBox"
            Set Cbo = New Data_CboBox
            Set Cbo.m_Frm = Frm
            Set Cbo.m_Cbo = ctl
    Print #3, ctl.Name 'write ComboBox Names in ComboBoxList.txt File
'//Colin Riddington Technique: Highlighting BackColor on GotFocus
                Cbo.m_Cbo.BackColor = 62207
                Cbo.m_Cbo.BackStyle = 0
                Cbo.m_Cbo.BeforeUpdate = EP
                Cbo.m_Cbo.OnDirty = EP
                Coll.Add Cbo
                Set Cbo = Nothing
    End Select
'Close all the three files
Close #1
Close #2
Close #3

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "Class_Init()"
Resume ClassInit_Exit
End Sub

The BASIC Language Text File Creation, Writing/Reading Statements:

Public Sub sub writeText()
Dim strItem As String
strItem = "www.msaccesstips.com"

Open "C:\myTextFile.txt" For Output As #1 'Open file in Output/writing Mode
   Print #1, strItem
Close #1

End Sub

Read the Text Data into a Variable

Public Sub ReadText()
dim strItem as String

Open "C:\myTextFile.txt" For Input As #1 'Open File in Input/Reading Mode
   Input #1, strItem
   debug.print strItem
Close #1

End Sub

The 'As #1' part indicates that this file is the first file in the Open state. If another file is to be opened for Writing/Reading simultaneously, then that will be 'As #2'.

The sample 'ClassTextBox_Template' VBA Code generated by the ClassTemplateWizard is listed below for reference.

The ClassTextBox_Template.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents TextB As Access.TextBox
Private Frm As Access.Form
Public Property Get Obj_Form() As Form
   Set Obj_Form = Frm
End Property
Public Property Set Obj_Form(ByRef objForm As Form)
   Set Frm = objForm
End Property
Public Property Get Text_Box() As TextBox
   Set Text_Box = TextB
End Property
Public Property Set Text_Box(ByRef objTextB As TextBox)
   Set TextB = objTextB
End Property
Private Sub TextB_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
   Select Case TextB.Name
     Case "ID"
        ' Code
     Case "Company"
        ' Code
     Case "Last Name"
        ' Code
     Case "First Name"
        ' Code
     Case "E-mail Address"
        ' Code
     Case "Job Title"
        ' Code
     Case "Address"
        ' Code
     Case "City"
        ' Code
     Case "State/Province"
        ' Code
     Case "ZIP/Postal Code"
        ' Code
     Case "Country/Region"
        ' Code
   End Select
End Sub


The ClassTemplateWizard.accdb database has the Class Wizard Form given on the top of this Page. You must attach this Database as a Library database to your Current Project. After that, run the Public Function OpenClassWizard() by typing it in the Debug Window directly or run it from a Command Button Click Event Subroutine.

After attaching the ClassTemplateWizard.accdb as Library Database, through the Tools --> References... Option, see that it is selected from the List of Library Files.  Then go through the following Steps to create the Class Template File on Disk.  

1. Open the Form (for example the Employees Form) and close the Form after a few seconds. The Class_Init() Subroutine creates the TextBoxFields.txt with the TextBox Names in it, the CmdButtonList.txt, and the ComboBoxList.txt Files with their list of names in the same Folder of your Database. These Text File contents are overwritten whenever a new Form is open.

2. Run the OpenClassWizard() Function from the Debug Window. The Wizard Form opens behind the VBA Window. Minimize the VBA Window to view the Form.

3. Select the TextBoxFields.txt from the left-side ListBox in the Wizard input Form.

4. Select the ClassTextBox_Template.cls item from the right-side ListBox.

5. Click on the Command Button with the Caption Run Wizard.

6. You will be greeted with a message announcing that the ClassTextBox_Template.cls File is created in your Project's Folder.

7. Right-click on the Navigation Pane of the VBA Window, near the Class Modules List of your own Project (not in the Class Module List of the attached Wizard database's Modules), and select the Import File... Option.

8. Browse for the File ClassTextBox_Template.cls in your Current Project Folder and click Open.

The ClassTextBox_Template Class is created among the Class Modules List in the VBA Navigation Pane. 

Even though the Class Module File ClassTextBox_Template.cls is created for a specific Form it can be imported for another Form or into a new Project and modified for new Form(s) by changing the TextBox Names.

At this point naturally, a question comes up in one's mind why can't we create the Class Module Template in the Current Database directly? 

I initially designed a Wizard to save the Template code into an existing Class Module by overwriting its contents whenever a new Form is open followed by running the Wizard. However, it has some side effects like the Wizard Form hangs, when the Class Module content is modified while the Wizard Form is in the running mode. 

 I will find a workaround to this problem and bring it out as Version 2.0 of this Wizard, probably in the next Episode.

In the meantime let us use this feature to speed up our project development time with the new way of Coding by Streamlining the Form Module Event Subroutine Code in the Standalone Class Module.

You can view the Wizard Functions in the Standard Module of the ClassTemplateWizard.accdb. The database ClassLibrary_Main.accdb for test running the Wizard.

Demo Databases Download

  1. Reusing Form Module VBA Code for New Projects.
  2. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Two.
  3. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Three
  4. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Four
  5. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Five
  6. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Six
  7. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Seven
  8. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Eight
  9. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Nine
  10. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Ten
  11. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Elevan
  12. Streamlining Report Module Code in Class Module
  13. Streamlining Module Code Report Line Hiding-13.
  14. Streamlining Form Module Code Part-14.
  15. Streamlining Custom Made Form Wizard-15.
  16. Streamlining VBA Custom Made Report Wizard-16.
  17. Streamlining VBA External Files List in Hyperlinks-17
  18. Streamlining Events VBA 3D Text Wizard-18
  19. Streamlining Events VBA RGB Color Wizard-19
  20. Streamlining Events Numbers to Words-20
  21. Access Users Group(Europe) Presentation-21
  22. The Event Firing Mechanism of MS Access-22
  23. One TextBox and Three Wrapper Class Instances-23
  24. Streamlining Code Synchronized Floating Popup Form-24
  25. Streamlining Code Compacting/Repair Database-25
  26. Streamlining Code Remainder Popup Form-26
  27. Streamlining Code Editing Data in Zoom-in Control-27
  28. Streamlining Code Filter By Character and Sort-28
  29. Table Query Records in Collection Object-29
  30. Class for All Data Entry Editing Forms-30
  31. Wrapper Class Module Creation Wizard-31
  32. wrapper-class-template-wizard-v2


Classes For All Data Entry Editing Forms

 Streamlining Form Module Code in Standalone Class Module.

Ready-made Class Modules for Data-Entry, Editing, or Viewing.

All the TextBox and ComboBox Controls, on the data handling Form, when enabled with the Dirty(), and  BeforeUpdate() Event Procedures are fully protected from unintentional changes. 

Manually writing code for every TextBox and ComboBox on a form can lead to duplication of work and inefficiency. Moreover, modifying event procedure names for each field to match the control name can become tedious and error-prone. Typically, only essential fields undergo this kind of data protection exercise, leaving others vulnerable. 

To streamline this process, consider implementing a more automated or systematic approach, such as leveraging reusable code structures, like Standalone Class Modules, that help to centralize and organize Event Procedures more efficiently.

Utilizing a Class Module with VBA Coding enables a swift and automated solution to implement data protection methods across all fields on the form. By leveraging Events Dirty() and BeforeUpdate() Subroutine Code reuse techniques, these data-protecting procedures can be efficiently applied to all TextBoxes and ComboBoxes on the form. This streamlined approach ensures quick and consistent implementation of data protection measures, enhancing the overall robustness and security of the form's data handling processes.

With the following few Simple Steps let us do a Demo Run to understand how it works:

  1. Use the Form-Wizard to create a Form: Columnar or Tabular Design using any Table/Query as a data source.
  2. Open the Form in Design View.

  3. Display the Form Property Sheet and Select the Other Tab.
  4. Change the Has Module Property Value to Yes.

  5. Display the Form Module.

Copy and Paste the following VBA Code into the Form Module.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Cls As New Class_ObjInit

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set Cls.o_Frm = Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
  Set Cls = Nothing
End Sub

Sample Form Image with the Employees Table.

Save your Form, but do not open it at this time. We need to create the Class Modules first.

There are three ready-made Class Modules, with a single prewritten OnDirty() and BeforeUpdate() Event Procedures. When the Form is open the Class_ObjInit Class Module is Instantiated in the global declaration area with the object name Cls and in the Form_Load() Event Procedure the Cls.o_Frm Property of the Class Module is assigned with the current Form Object Me

When the Class_ObjInit Class Object is Instantiated the Data_TxtBox Class and the Data_CboBox Classes declared in the Class_ObjInit Class are also loaded into memory. We will create these Class Modules with the Event Subroutine Codes next.

  1. Open the VBA Editing Window (ALT+F11)

  2. Create a Class Module, Click on the Properties Window Icon (the icon between Project Explorer and Object Browser Icons) to display the Property Sheet of the Module. Change the Module Name from Class1 to Class_ObjInit.
  3. Copy the VBA Code given below Paste them into the Class_ObjInit Class Module and Save them.

    The Class_ObjInit Class Module.

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Private txt As Data_TxtBox
    Private Cbo As Data_CboBox
    Private Coll As New Collection
    Private frm As Form
    Private DetSec As Section
    'Streamlining Form Module Code
    'in Stand-alone Class Modules
    'With Reusable Code
    'Quick Data Entry Screen
    'Saving Table/Query Records in Collection Object
    'Author:  a.p.r. pillai
    'Date  :  10/05/2024
    'Remarks: with Ready-made Data Entry Events Handler
    '       : in the Wrapper TextBox Class Module
    '       : Suitable for Columnar, Tabular or DataSheet Form
    'Rights:  All Rights(c) Reserved by www.msaccesstips.com
    Public Property Get o_Frm() As Form
        Set o_Frm = frm
    End Property
    Public Property Set o_Frm(ByRef vFrm As Form)
        Set frm = vFrm
    End Property
    Private Sub Class_Init()
    Dim fldNames() As String
    Dim j As Long
    Dim Path As String
    Dim ctl As Control
    On Error GoTo ClassInit_Err
    Set DetSec = frm.Section(acDetail)
    Const EP = "[Event Procedure]"
    'Save Form Detail Section Field Names
    'to this Text File for creating Event Subroutine Template
    Path = CurrentProject.Path & "\EventSubFields.txt"
    If Len(Dir(Path)) > 0 Then
      Kill Path
    End If
    Open Path For Output As #1
    'Instantiate the 'Data_txtBox' Class for each TextBox
    'on the Form for streamlined Event Procedures Coding
    j = 0
    For Each ctl In DetSec.Controls
        Select Case TypeName(ctl)
            Case "TextBox"
            j = j + 1
            ReDim Preserve fldNames(1 To j) As String
            fldNames(j) = ctl.Name
                Set txt = New Data_TxtBox
                Set txt.m_Frm = frm
                Set txt.m_txt = ctl
    '//Colin Riddington Technique: Highlighting BackColor on GotFocus
                    txt.m_txt.BackColor = 62207 'RGB(&HFF, &HF2, &H0):Yellow Background
                    txt.m_txt.BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
        Print #1, ctl.Name 'write Field Name in EventSubFields.txt File
                    txt.m_txt.BeforeUpdate = EP
                    txt.m_txt.OnDirty = EP
                    Coll.Add txt 'Add Data_TxtBox Class Instance to Collection
                    Set txt = Nothing 'Reset txt object
          Case "ComboBox"
                Set Cbo = New Data_CboBox
                Set Cbo.m_Frm = frm
                Set Cbo.m_Cbo = ctl
    '//Colin Riddington Technique: Highlighting BackColor on GotFocus
                    Cbo.m_Cbo.BackColor = 62207 'RGB(&HFF, &HF2, &H0)
                    Cbo.m_Cbo.BackStyle = 0
                    Cbo.m_Cbo.BeforeUpdate = EP
                    Cbo.m_Cbo.OnDirty = EP
                    Coll.Add Cbo
                    Set Cbo = Nothing
        End Select
    Close #1 'Close Text File
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "Class_Init()"
    Resume ClassInit_Exit
    End Sub

    We instantiate the Class_ObjInit Class Module in the Form Module and assign the Form object to its Property o_Frm.  After receiving the Form Object in the Set Property Procedure the Class_Init() Subroutine is called.

    The Red colored code lines in this Module will create a Text File EventSubFields.txt to save the Data Field Names from the Detail-Section of the Form. The purpose of this Field List will be explained later on.

    The Data_TxtBox Class is Instantiated for each TextBox Control, the Data_CboBox Class (we will create both these Class Modules next) is Instantiated for each ComboBox Control on the Form, The Dirty() and BeforeUpdate() Events are enabled by setting the text "[Event Procedure]" in their OnDirty and BeforeUpdate Event Properties. 

    NB: If you have not gone through this topic's earlier Pages then you may find most of the discussion on this page somewhat strange. You will find this topic's earlier page Links at the end of this Page. You may visit those Pages, starting from the first one onwards. It starts with the Basics of this Coding concept of Form Module Event Subroutine coding in the Standalone Class Module.  The Class_ObjInit Class Module's Code and its usage are almost the same in all the earlier examples too.

    The BackColor Property is set with Yellow color and the BackStyle Property is set to Transparent so that the TextBox/ComboBox background highlights only when the Focus is on the Control.

    After these changes the TextBox or ComboBox Wrapper Class Module Instance is added as a Collection Object Item, to keep them active in memory.  When the Events are fired from the Controls on the Form they are trapped in the TextBox Instance in Collection Object and Execute the Event Subroutine Code. 

    Remember, each TextBox on the Form has a Data_TxtBox Class Instance created, assigned with the TextBox Reference from the Form, and inserted into the Collection Object Item. When the Dirty() or BeforeUpdate() Event fires from that particular TextBox it is captured in the Data_TxtBox Class Instance representing that TextBox to execute the Event Subroutines. 

    This is the new VBA Event Subroutine Coding approach that I have designed for ease of VBA Coding in Standalone Class Modules instead of in Form/Report Module. This Coding approach has the following advantages:

    • Reuse the Event Procedure Code without manual duplication of Event Procedures
    • Need only one structured Event Subroutine per Event (say BeforeUpdate()) for all Controls of the same Type (for all TextBoxes on the Form) and all the Event Procedure Codes are organized within a single Event Subroutine.

    • Direct access to the Event Subroutines without interfering with the Form/Report Design
    • It eliminates the need for interacting with the Form/Report Design View for Code maintenance every time, resulting in faster Project completion. 

  4. Create another Class Module and change its name to Data_TxtBox. Copy the following VBA Code Paste it into the Data_TxtBox Class Module and Save it:

    The Data_txtBox TextBox Class Module Code.

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Private WithEvents mtxt As TextBox
    Private mfrm As Form
    Dim msgtxt As String
    Const cr = vbCr
    'Streamlining Form Module Code
    'in Stand-alone Class Modules
    'With Reusable Code
    'Quick Data Entry Screen
    'Author:  a.p.r. pillai
    'Date  :  10/05/2024
    'Remarks: with Ready-made Data Entry Events Handlers
    '       : in the Wrapper TextBox Class Module
    '       : Suitable for Columnar, Tabular or DataSheet Form
    '       : made for Table/Query.
    'Rights:  All Rights(c) Reserved by www.msaccesstips.com
    Public Property Get m_Frm() As Form
        Set m_Frm = mfrm
    End Property
    Public Property Set m_Frm(ByRef vmFrm As Form)
        Set mfrm = vmFrm
    End Property
    Public Property Get m_txt() As TextBox
        Set m_txt = mtxt
    End Property
    Public Property Set m_txt(ByRef vmtxt As TextBox)
        Set mtxt = vmtxt
    End Property
    Private Sub mtxt_Dirty(Cancel As Integer)
    'Global area of Subroutine
    'If new Record Data Entry then ignore Dirty Event
    If mfrm.NewRecord Then
     Exit Sub
    End If
    'VBA Code Runs for all Fields in the Detail Section
    msgtxt = "Editing Field [" & UCase(mtxt.Name) & "]?: " _
    & mtxt.Value & cr & cr & "Allow the Change?"
        If MsgBox(msgtxt, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
        mtxt.Name & "_BeforeUpdate()") = vbNo Then
            Cancel = True
        End If
    'Field Specific Code for validation checks
    'If Field Specific Event handling is required
    'then make a Copy of the Data_TxtBox Class with
    'a New Name and use with Fieldname based Event Procedure.
       Select Case mtxt.Name
         Case "ID"
            ' Code
         Case "Company"
            ' Code
         Case "Last Name"
            ' Code
         Case "First Name"
            ' Code
       End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub mtxt_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
    'Global area of Subroutine
    'VBA Code Runs for all Fields in the Detail Section
    'If new Record Data Entry then ignore BeforeUpdate Event
    If mfrm.NewRecord Then
     Exit Sub
    End If
    msgtxt = mtxt.Name & " Old Value: " & mtxt.OldValue & _
    cr & cr & "Update to ?: " & mtxt.Value
        If MsgBox(msgtxt, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, mtxt.Name & "_BeforeUpdate()") = vbNo Then
            Cancel = True
        End If
    'If Field Specific Event handling is required
    'then make a Copy of the Data_TxtBox Class with
    'a New Name and use it.
    'Copy and Paste Cls_EventSub_Template Code here
       Select Case mtxt.Name 'Replace with
         Case "ID"
            ' Code
         Case "Company"
            ' Code
         Case "Last Name"
            ' Code
         Case "First Name"
            ' Code
       End Select
    End Sub

    The TextBox Class has the mtxt_Dirty() Event Procedure that monitors the active TextBox for data change attempts by the user. When a key press is detected in a Field a message will appear asking whether the user wants to change the data. If the response is positive then allows to make changes to the field.

    When the changed data is about to save the mtxt_BeforeUpdate() Event fires, and at this point, the system asks to reconfirm updating the new changes. If the response is negative then the changes are reversed and the original value is restored.

    The Dirty() and BeforeUpdate() Event Subroutines protect the data of all the Fields/TextBoxes in the Form's Detail Section.

    Within the Select Case . . . End Select structure some Field Names from the Employees Form is shown below. If we need to write VBA Code with specific requirements for Field(s) then we need to write them in this Structure under each Field Name. We will discuss this aspect and what to do in those circumstances a little later. Here it is presented for information purposes only.

  5. Create another Class Module with the Name Data_CboBox for the ComboBox Controls on the Form. Copy the following VBA Code Paste it into the Data_CboBox Class Module and save the Module.

    The Data_CboBox ComboBox Class Module Code.

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Private WithEvents mCbo As ComboBox
    Private mfrm As Form
    Dim msgtxt As String
    Const cr = vbCr
    'Streamlining Form Module Code
    'in Stand-alone Class Modules
    'With Reusable Code
    'Quick Data Entry Screen
    'Author:  a.p.r. pillai
    'Date  :  10/05/2024
    'Remarks: with Ready-made Data Entry Events Handler
    '       : in the Wrapper TextBox Class Module
    '       : Suitable for Columnar, Tabular or DataSheet Form
    '       : made for Table/Query.
    'Rights:  All Rights(c) Reserved by www.msaccesstips.com
    Public Property Get m_Frm() As Form
        Set m_Frm = mfrm
    End Property
    Public Property Set m_Frm(ByRef vmFrm As Form)
        Set mfrm = vmFrm
    End Property
    Public Property Get m_Cbo() As ComboBox
        Set m_Cbo = mCbo
    End Property
    Public Property Set m_Cbo(ByRef vmCbo As ComboBox)
        Set mCbo = vmCbo
    End Property
    Private Sub mCbo_Dirty(Cancel As Integer)
    'Global area of Subroutine
    'If new Record Data Entry then ignore Dirty Event
    If mfrm.NewRecord Then
     Exit Sub
    End If
    'VBA Code Runs for all Fields in the Detail Section
    msgtxt = "Editing ComboBox [" & UCase(mCbo.Name) & "]?: " _
    & mCbo.Value & cr & cr & "Allow the Change?"
        If MsgBox(msgtxt, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, mCbo.Name & "_BeforeUpdate()") = vbNo Then
            Cancel = True
        End If
    Select Case mCbo.Name
        Case "Combo1"
        Case "Combo2"
    End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub mCbo_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
    'Global area of Subroutine
    'VBA Code Runs for all Fields in the Detail Section
    'If new Record Data Entry then ignore BeforeUpdate Event
    If mfrm.NewRecord Then
     Exit Sub
    End If
    msgtxt = mCbo.Name & " Old Value: " & mCbo.OldValue & _
    cr & cr & "Update to ?: " & mCbo.Value
        If MsgBox(msgtxt, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, mCbo.Name & "_BeforeUpdate()") = vbNo Then
            Cancel = True
        End If
    Select Case mCbo.Name
        Case "Combo1"
        Case "Combo2"
    End Select
    End Sub

    The ComboBox Event Procedure is the same as the TextBox Code.

    The active Field background will be highlighted with the Yellow color when the Field receives the Focus.

    Save all the Modules and Compile them from the VBA Window to ensure that everything is ok.

    Test Running the Form.

  6. Open the Form in Normal View.
  7. Click on a Field and touch a Key to edit the Field.  A message will appear asking you whether you would like to edit the field or not? The OnDirty Event is enabled in all the TextBoxes and Comboboxes to protect the data from unintentional changes.

    If your response is Yes then you are allowed to edit the Field. Type one or two characters at the end of the existing text in the Field then press Enter Key.

  8. While saving the changes the BeforeUpdate() Event will fire and a message will appear again asking you to reconfirm the update action. If your response is negative then changes are reversed to the original value.

Data Entry, Editing, and Viewing.

The Class Modules are designed to work with any Form created for Data Entry, Editing, or Data View purposes. 

  1. The Form can be created using the Form Wizard or manually in Columnar, Tabular, or DataSheet Design using Table or Query as Source. The Fields on the Form can be picked selectively or all from the Source Table or Query. 
  2. After creating a Form, copy the VBA Code from the Form1 Module Paste it into the new Form Module, save the Form, and open it in normal view.

With the above two steps your Form is ready with all the supporting Programs and the data is fully protected from changes. How much time it takes to do the above two steps?

The Program will monitor the Fields in TextBoxes and ComboBoxes (if present) on the Form.

The Dirty() and BeforeUpdate() Event Procedure Code are applied to all the TextBoxes and ComboBoxes (if present) on the Form. 

When the Form is in Data Entry Mode (for a new Record) the OnDirty() and BeforeUpdate() Events are disabled.

Data Validation Checks.

The validation requirements of each Field are different. The Validation checks can be performed in two different ways. 

1. Through the Validation Rule and Validation Text Properties (recommended) of the Table or through these Properties of the TextBoxes in the Form.

2. Through VBA Code using Event Procedures.

In this Project, the recommended procedure is the first option to use the Validation Rule and Validation Text Properties of the Field in Table Design View, or in the same Properties of the TextBox Field on the Form. If it is already written in the Table Field Properties then not required to repeat it in the Form Field.

Assign an Error Message in the Validation Text Property to display the message when the entered data is invalid. For example, the Date of Birth entered into the Date Field is invalid if it is greater than Today and the message Text can be 'Future Date Invalid'.

The Validation Rule Property accepts simple expressions to evaluate the entered data. 

Example: The Last Name Field length is 15 characters or less and the validation expression is:

Validation Rule: Is Null OR Len([Last Name]) <= 15 

Validation Text: Last Name maximum 15 characters only. 

The Validation Text message will appear when the Last Name is longer than 15 characters.

If some of the Data Fields require validation checks then the above Properties (either in the Table Field OR the TextBox on the Form, but not necessary in both places) can be assigned with appropriate expressions and messages. Check Allen Browne's Microsoft Access Tips Page for more information on writing the Validation Check expressions.

If the requirement is complex and needs VBA to handle the data validation checks then you may make copies of the above three Class Modules and rename them suitably to identify them with the Form and write VBA Event Procedures under the Field Names, as we did in the earlier Tutorial examples.

When VBA Event Procedures are written with Field/TextBox names then those Class Modules cannot be used for any other Form without change. In such cases follow the above procedure.

For example: With Customized VBA Code for the Employees Form.

  1. Emp_ObjInit
  2. Emp_TxtBox
  3. Emp_CboBox

Then change the Class Module Name declared in the global area of the Form Module and in the Emp_ObjInit Module as shown in the following examples:

The Form Module Code change is highlighted.


The Wrapper Class Declarations in the Emp_ObjInit Class Module.

Keeping this requirement in mind I devised a method to generate an Event Subroutine Template using the Data Field Names, saved from the TextBoxes on the Form, so that it can be copied for specific Event Subroutine and write the Code directly below the required Fields and remove the unwanted Field references from the Subroutines.

The Sample Subroutine Code generated from the Field Names collected from the Form and saved in the EventSubFields.txt File is given below for reference:

Private Sub txt_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
   Select Case txt.Name
     Case "ID"
        ' Code
     Case "Company"
        ' Code
     Case "Last Name"
        ' Code
     Case "First Name"
        ' Code
     Case "E-mail Address"
        ' Code
     Case "Job Title"
        ' Code
     Case "Address"
        ' Code
     Case "City"
        ' Code
     Case "State/Province"
        ' Code
     Case "ZIP/Postal Code"
        ' Code
     Case "Country/Region"
        ' Code
   End Select
End Sub

The above BeforeUpdate() Event Procedure Code Template is generated through the following procedure: 

When the Form is open the Class_ObjInit Class Module Class_Init() Subroutine collects the Field Names from the TextBoxes on the Form and saves them into the EventSubFields.txt File in the Database's Folder. See the red colored lines of Code in the Class_Init() Subroutine.

Run the Public Function (in Module1): CreateEventTemplate from the Debug Window (Immediate Window). It will build the above Subroutine Template in the Class Module ClsEventSub_Template. The Field Names are picked from the EventSubFields.txt Text File created earlier.

Procedure to create the ClsEventSub_Template Class Module Code.

  1. Open the required Form for a few seconds then Close it. 
  2. Open the Immediate Window, type the function name CreateEventTemplate and press Enter Key.

  3. The ClsEventSub_Template Class Module will have the Event Subroutine Template with all the Fields collected from the Form.
  4. Highlight the entire Code then copy and paste it into the TextBox Wrapper  Class Module Emp_TxtBox and change the Event Subroutine Name, (if necessary to match the Object declaration and the Subroutine Name), and write the Event Subroutine Code under the Field Name. 

The unwanted field names may be removed from the Copied Subroutine.

If you follow the above steps for another Form the ClsEventSub_Template will contain the Field Names from the latest Form opened.

Demo Database Download

  1. Reusing Form Module VBA Code for New Projects.
  2. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Two.
  3. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Three
  4. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Four
  5. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Five
  6. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Six
  7. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Seven
  8. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Eight
  9. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Nine
  10. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Ten
  11. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Elevan
  12. Streamlining Report Module Code in Class Module
  13. Streamlining Module Code Report Line Hiding-13.
  14. Streamlining Form Module Code Part-14.
  15. Streamlining Custom Made Form Wizard-15.
  16. Streamlining VBA Custom Made Report Wizard-16.
  17. Streamlining VBA External Files List in Hyperlinks-17
  18. Streamlining Events VBA 3D Text Wizard-18
  19. Streamlining Events VBA RGB Color Wizard-19
  20. Streamlining Events Numbers to Words-20
  21. Access Users Group(Europe) Presentation-21
  22. The Event Firing Mechanism of MS Access-22
  23. One TextBox and Three Wrapper Class Instances-23
  24. Streamlining Code Synchronized Floating Popup Form-24
  25. Streamlining Code Compacting/Repair Database-25
  26. Streamlining Code Remainder Popup Form-26
  27. Streamlining Code Editing Data in Zoom-in Control-27
  28. Streamlining Code Filter By Character and Sort-28
  29. Table Query Records in Collection Object-29
  30. Class for All Data Entry Editing Forms-30
  31. Wrapper Class Module Creation Wizard-31
  32. wrapper-class-template-wizard-v2




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