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Wrapper Class Template Wizard V2

 Streamlining Form Module Code in Standalone Class Module.

Class Module Template Creation Wizard.

The earlier version of the Class Module Wizard was a testing platform for creating Wrapper Class Module templates. Although it served its purpose, the procedure adopted there is somewhat semi-automatic, and I am not satisfied with that either. 

This improved Version 2.0 of the Wizard can create several Class Module Templates for different Object Types in your form. This Version creates about 10 frequently used Objects Wrapper Class Module Templates, based on your selection of choices at a time.

The Screenshot of the Class Template Wizard is given below:

The ListBox's Source Data is from the 'ListItems' Table. The Source Table Image is given below.

Class Wizard Table

The Table has ten Records with six columns of data, but only the first three columns are shown on the ListBox.

(1) The RecordID - for easier retrieval of Wizard Function Parameters.
(2) the Field/Control list File Name for creating on Disk - The files will be created in the Current Project Folder.
(3) the Class Module Template Name -  suffixed with the word '_Template' is preferred, not mandatory.

The following three Columns of data are used by the Wizard.

(4) The Wizard Function that creates the Class Template - Applicable for all Types of Objects.
(5) The Object TypeName - self-explanatory.
(6) Object Short Name - you may change it to a more descriptive Name if required.

How to Run the WrapperClassWizard from within a Database?

Place the WrapperClass_Wizard.accdb database into a Trusted Folder. 

Open your Database and open the VBE Window.

Select References... from the Tools menu, find the Wizard Database, attach, and select to add it to the selected List of Library Files.

Create a SELECT Query in your Project with the name ListItemsQ using the following SQL:

SELECT ListItems.*
FROM ListItems IN 'D:\DEMO\Code2\WrapperClass_Wizard.accdb';

Change the Folder Path to the location of the WrapperClass_Wizard.accdb correctly.

You can create class module templates with the main object declarations (e.g., TextBox and Form, or any other Control and Form) with their property procedures for up to 10 of the most frequently used controls on the form.

Additionally, you can add a sample Click Event Subroutine Code foundation with all the Data Field Names (eg: TextBox and ComboBox Names) collected from the Form. To achieve this, insert a few lines of code (shown in red) in the Class_Init() Subroutine listing below, to collect each Control Type in separate Groups from the Form and save them into their designated text files on disk, when that Form is in open state. 

Note:  If you plan to implement this Data Field Name saving procedure for two or more Forms these text file contents on Disk will be overwritten with the last open Form's Field Names. 

For creating the TextBox or ComboBox sample Click Event Subroutine for a particular Form, open the Form with its Class_Init() Subroutine Code Lines in red, for a few seconds, and close it before running the Class Template creation Wizard.

I recommend this procedure to collect the Data field names from the Form with the help of Code because all of them are inserted from the data source Table/Query, and memorizing all their names correctly for easier event subroutine coding is impractical. We need to refer to the data source Table/Query or check the Control Names on the Form, after opening the Form in Design View to pick their names correctly for use in the Code.

The Field Names writing Code lines (marked in Red) are inserted into the Class_Init() subroutine which writes the control names of each category into their respective designated text files on disk. Below is the Class_Init() Subroutine in the Class_ObjInit Class Module of Employees Form implemented with this procedure.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private txt As Data_TxtBox
Private Cbo As Data_CboBox
Private cmd As Data_CmdButton

Private Coll As New Collection
Private Frm As Form

'Streamlining Form Module Code
'in Stand-alone Class Modules
'With Reusable Code
'The 'WrapperClassWizard.accdb' attached to this Database
'Check: Tools--> References...
'1. The 'Class_ObjInit' Class saves TxtBox/Field Names, Command Button,
'ComboBox Names, and others from the Open Form into TextBoxFields.txt,
'CmdButtonList.txt & ComboBoxList.txt files in the same Database Folder.
'2. The 'WrapperClassWizard.accdb' must be attached to the
'Current Project to open up the Wizard Form by running
'the Function: OpenClassWizard() from within a Command button Click.
'3. The Wizard Reads the Field Names from tbe above Text Files.
'4. The Wizard will use the Field/Control Names(if any) for the sample
'Event Subroutine in the Template. If the file is empty then it will
'create a sample Evet Subroutine without the Control names.
'5. This saves Coding time otherwise spent on creating a
'New Wrapper Class Module from scratch and picking the
'Field Names and other Control Names correctly
'From the Form for Event Subroutines.
'Author:  a.p.r. pillai
'Date  :  20/06/2024
'Remarks: with Ready-made Data Entry Events Handler
'       : in the Wrapper TextBox Class Module
'       : Suitable for Columnar, Tabular or DataSheet Form
'Rights:  All Rights(c) Reserved by www.msaccesstips.com

Public Property Get o_Frm() As Form
    Set o_Frm = Frm
End Property

Public Property Set o_Frm(ByRef vFrm As Form)
    Set Frm = vFrm

End Property

Private Sub Class_Init()
Dim ProjectPath As String
Dim txtPath As String
Dim ComboPath As String
Dim FieldListFile As String
Dim ComboBoxList As String
Dim ctl As Control

On Error GoTo ClassInit_Err

Const EP = "[Event Procedure]"

'Save TextBox & CombBox Names into separate Text Files
'for creating Event Subroutines in the Templates
ProjectPath = CurrentProject.Path & "\"

FieldListFile = DLookup("FieldListFile", "ListItemsQ", "ID = " & wizTextBox)
ComboBoxList = DLookup("FieldListFile", "ListItemsQ", "ID = " & wizComboBox)

txtPath = ProjectPath & FieldListFile
ComboPath = ProjectPath & ComboBoxList

Open txtPath For Output As #1 'TextBoxFields.txt for writing
Open ComboPath For Output As #2 'ComboBoxList.txt

'Instantiate the 'Data_txtBox' Class for each TextBox
'on the Form for streamlined Event Procedures Coding
For Each ctl In Frm.Controls
    Select Case TypeName(ctl)
        Case "TextBox"
    Print #1, ctl.Name 'write Field/TextBox Name in TextBoxFields.txt File
            Set txt = New Data_TxtBox
            Set txt.m_Frm = Frm
            Set txt.m_txt = ctl
'//Colin Riddington Technique: Highlighting BackColor on GotFocus
                txt.m_txt.BackColor = 62207 'yellow
                txt.m_txt.BackStyle = 0
                txt.m_txt.BeforeUpdate = EP
                txt.m_txt.OnDirty = EP
                Coll.Add txt 'Add Data_TxtBox Class Instance to Collection
                Set txt = Nothing 'Reset txt object
      Case "CommandButton"
           Set cmd = New Data_CmdButton
            Set cmd.Obj_Form = Frm
            Set cmd.cmd_Button = ctl
                cmd.cmd_Button.OnClick = EP
                Coll.Add cmd
                Set cmd = Nothing
      Case "ComboBox"
    Print #2, ctl.Name 'write ComboBox Names in ComboBoxList.txt File
            Set Cbo = New Data_CboBox
            Set Cbo.m_Frm = Frm
            Set Cbo.m_Cbo = ctl
'//Colin Riddington Technique: Highlighting BackColor on GotFocus
                Cbo.m_Cbo.BackColor = 62207
                Cbo.m_Cbo.BackStyle = 0
                Cbo.m_Cbo.BeforeUpdate = EP
                Cbo.m_Cbo.OnDirty = EP
                Coll.Add Cbo
                Set Cbo = Nothing
        Case "ListBox"
    End Select
'Close all files
Close #1
Close #2

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "Class_Init()"
Resume ClassInit_Exit
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
While Coll.Count > 0
    Coll.Remove 1
Set Coll = Nothing

End Sub

The red lines are inserted in the required locations to collect the Data Field and ComboBox Names and record them in separate Text Files in the Project Folder as Input to the Class Module creation Wizard. Similarly, you can insert related Code lines for other Types of Controls on the Form.

The Wizard will look for these files on the disk and check their contents. If control names are found, they will be used for building a sample Click Event Subroutine after the main object declarations and property procedure lines of code.

If the above lines are embedded in the Class_Init() subroutine, we should open and keep the Employees Form for a few seconds and close it before running the wizard options. This will create the controls list in their respective text files, using the predefined file names taken from the wizard table ListItems, through the Select Query ListItemsQ.

The TextBoxFields.txt File contents created from the Employee Form Field Names are listed below for reference:

Last Name
First Name
E-mail Address
Job Title
ZIP/Postal Code

The Sample Click Event Subroutine Structure Code.

The sample Click Event Subroutine Code structure, created using the Field Names from the TextBoxFields.txt File is given below.
Private Sub txtBox_Click()
   Select Case txtBox.Name
     Case "ID"
        ' Code
     Case "Company"
        ' Code
     Case "Last Name"
        ' Code
     Case "First Name"
        ' Code
     Case "E-mail Address"
        ' Code
     Case "Job Title"
        ' Code
     Case "Address"
        ' Code
     Case "City"
        ' Code
     Case "State/Province"
        ' Code
     Case "ZIP/Postal Code"
        ' Code
     Case "Country/Region"
        ' Code
   End Select
End Sub

Remove the unwanted Control Names from the List, if no Events are invoked from those controls.

Opening the ClassWizard Form.

Open the ClassWizard Form, by calling the Function OpenClassWizard() from your Project through a Command Button Click Event Subroutine, with the following sample VBA Code lines:

Private Sub Command25_Click()
    OpenClassWizard VBE.ActiveVBProject.Name
End Sub

The OpenClassWizard() Function Code is given below.

Note: You should not create a Function with the same name: OpenClassWizard() in your Project, where the Wizard is attached as a Library database.

Dim ProjectName As String

'Public Function to Open the Wizard Form
'from the Host Application
Public Function OpenClassWizard(ByVal projName As String)
On Error GoTo OpenClassWizard_Err

ProjectName = projName
DoCmd.OpenForm "ClassWizard", acNormal
Exit Function

MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "OpenClassWizard()"
Resume OpenClassWizard_Exit
End Function

When the Wizard Form is open in your Application Window select one or more items from the List of Control Types, like TextBox, Command Buttons, or any other Classs Module you need, and Click the Run Wizard Command Button. 

The ClassWizard Form Module Code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private obj As New Wiz_ObjInit

Private Sub Form_load()
    Set obj.O_Form = Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Set obj = Nothing
End Sub

The Wiz_ObjInit Intermediary Class Module VBA Code.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Lst As Wiz_ListBox
Private oFrm As Access.Form
Private cmd As Wiz_CmdButton
Private Coll As New Collection
'Streamlining Form Module Code in Stand-alone Class Modules
'With Reusable Structured Event Subroutine Coding.
'Event Procedure Coding in Standalone Class Module is now
'made easier with Readymade Object Wrapper Class Templates
'Demo Event Subroutine is created with the Control Names.
'Program: Wrapper Class Template Wizard
'Author:  a.p.r. pillai
'Date  :  20/06/2024
'Rights:  All Rights(c) Reserved by www.msaccesstips.com

Public Property Get O_Form() As Form
   Set O_Form = oFrm
End Property
Public Property Set O_Form(ByRef objForm As Form)
   Set oFrm = objForm
End Property

Private Sub Class_Init()
On Error GoTo Class_Init_Err
Dim ctl As Control
Const EP = "[Event Procedure]"
For Each ctl In oFrm.Controls
    Select Case TypeName(ctl)
        Case "ListBox"
            Set Lst = New Wiz_ListBox
            Set Lst.Obj_Form = oFrm
            Set Lst.Lst_Box = ctl
                Lst.Lst_Box.OnClick = EP
                Coll.Add Lst
            Set Lst = Nothing
        Case "CommandButton"
            Set cmd = New Wiz_CmdButton
            Set cmd.Obj_Form = oFrm
            Set cmd.Obj_cmdButton = ctl
                cmd.Obj_cmdButton.OnClick = EP
                Coll.Add cmd
            Set cmd = Nothing
    End Select

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "Class_Init()"
Resume Class_Init_Exit
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    While Coll.Count > 0
        Coll.Remove 1
    Set Coll = Nothing
    Set Lst = Nothing
End Sub

The Class_Init() Subroutine has only the ListBox and Command Button Control's Click Event to Enable.

The ListBox Wrapper Class 'Wiz_ListBox' Module VBA Code.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents LstBox As Access.ListBox
Private Frm As Access.Form
'Streamlining Form Module Code in Stand-alone Class Modules
'With Reusable Structured Event Subroutine Coding.
'Event Procedure Coding in Standalone Class Module is now
'made easier with Readymade Object Wrapper Class Templates
'Demo Event Subroutine is created with the Control Names.
'Program: Wrapper Class Template Wizard
'Author:  a.p.r. pillai
'Date  :  20/06/2024
'Rights:  All Rights(c) Reserved by www.msaccesstips.com

Public Property Get Obj_Form() As Form
   Set Obj_Form = Frm
End Property
Public Property Set Obj_Form(ByRef objForm As Form)
   Set Frm = objForm
End Property
Public Property Get Lst_Box() As Access.ListBox
   Set Lst_Box = LstBox
End Property
Public Property Set Lst_Box(ByRef objListB As Access.ListBox)
   Set LstBox = objListB
End Property

Private Sub LstBox_Click()
On Error GoTo LstBox_Click_Err
  Select Case LstBox.Name
    Case "List1"
        Dim lCount As Integer
        Dim tmpList As ListBox
        Dim j As Integer

        Set tmpList = Frm.List1
        lCount = tmpList.ListCount - 1

        For j = 0 To lCount
            If tmpList.Selected(j) Then
                Frm.cmdRun.Enabled = True
                Exit Sub
                Frm.cmdRun.Enabled = False
            End If

  End Select
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "LstBox_Click()"
Resume LstBox_Click_Exit
End Sub

The Click Event of the ListBox Control checks for the presence of any selected Items in the ListBox, if found then enables the Command Button with the Caption 'Run Wizard' otherwise the Command Button is disabled.

The Command Button Wrapper Class 'Wiz_CmdButton' Module Code.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents cmdButton As Access.CommandButton
Private Frm As Access.Form
'Streamlining Form Module Code in Stand-alone Class Modules
'With Reusable Structured Event Subroutine Coding.
'Event Procedure Coding in Standalone Class Module is now
'made easier with Readymade Object Wrapper Class Templates
'Demo Event Subroutine is created with the Control Names.
'Program: Wrapper Class Template Wizard
'Author:  a.p.r. pillai
'Date  :  20/06/2024
'Rights:  All Rights(c) Reserved by www.msaccesstips.com

Public Property Get Obj_Form() As Access.Form
   Set Obj_Form = Frm
End Property
Public Property Set Obj_Form(ByRef objForm As Access.Form)
   Set Frm = objForm
End Property
Public Property Get Obj_cmdButton() As Access.CommandButton
   Set Obj_cmdButton = cmdButton
End Property
Public Property Set Obj_cmdButton(ByRef vcmdButton As Access.CommandButton)
   Set cmdButton = vcmdButton
End Property
Private Sub cmdButton_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdButtonClick_Err
   Select Case cmdButton.Name
     Case "cmdClose"
        DoCmd.Close acForm, "ClassWizard"
     Case "cmdRun"
        Dim modul As Module
        Dim flag As Boolean
        Dim vbcompo As vbcomponent
        Dim tmpList As ListBox
        Dim wiz As Integer
        Dim strWiz As String

        Dim FunctionName As String
        Dim FieldListFile As String
        Dim ClsTemplate As String
        Dim s_ObjTypeName As String
        Dim s_ObjName As String
        Dim msg As String
        Dim lCount As Integer
        Dim j As Integer, k As Integer
        Dim qot As String
        Dim objType As Long
        Dim Dt As Double
        Dim ClsSourceFile As String
        Dim ProjectName As String
        Dim Result As Boolean
        qot = Chr(34)
        Set tmpList = Frm.List1
        lCount = tmpList.ListCount - 1
        k = 0

        'Validation Check
        msg = ""
        For j = 0 To lCount
          If tmpList.Selected(j) Then
                'FieldList File
                FieldListFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & tmpList.Column(1, j)
                'Chek for FieldList File on Disk
                    If Len(Dir(FieldListFile)) = 0 Then
                      Open FieldListFile For Output As #1
                        Print #1, Space(5)
                      Close #1
                    End If
                'Class Template Name
                ClsTemplate = tmpList.Column(2, j)
                msg = ""
                FunctionName = tmpList.Column(3, j)
                If Len(Nz(FunctionName, "")) = 0 Then
                    FunctionName = "CreateClassTemplate"
                End If
                s_ObjTypeName = tmpList.Column(4, j)
                If Len(Nz(s_ObjTypeName, "")) = 0 Then 'Control Type Name column empty
                    msg = "*** Object TypeName not specified!"
                    objType = ControlTypeCheck(s_ObjTypeName) 'Is it a Valid Control TypeName
                    If objType = 9999 Then 'Name not in specified list
                        msg = "*** object Typename: " & UCase(s_ObjTypeName) & vbCr _
                        & "Not in specified List?"
                    End If
                End If
                s_ObjName = tmpList.Column(5, j)
                If Len(Nz(s_ObjName, "")) = 0 Then 'Column is empty
                    msg = msg & vbCr & vbCr & "User-Defined Object Name Column is Empty!"
                End If
                If Len(msg) > 0 Then 'Errors Found
                    msg = msg & vbCr & vbCr & "Errors Found in Item: " & tmpList.Column(0, j) & _
                    vbCr & "Rectify the Errors and Re-run!"
                    MsgBox msg, vbCritical + vbOKCancel, "cmdButton_Click()"
                    Exit Sub
                Else 'No Errors then creaate Template
                'Call the Wizard
Result = CreateClassTemplate(FieldListFile, ClsTemplate, s_ObjTypeName, s_ObjName)
                    If Not Result Then
                        MsgBox "Errors Encountered for '" & ClsTemplate & "'" & vbCr _
                        & "Review/Modify the Parameter value(s) and Re-try."
                    End If
                End If
    End If

Next j
        MsgBox "Class Module Templates Created successfully!"

        'Save created Template Class modules
        DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCompileAndSaveAllModules

     Case "cmdHelp"
        DoCmd.OpenForm "Wiz_Help", acNormal
   End Select

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "cmdButtonClick()"
Resume cmdButtonClick_Exit
End Sub

It runs a series of checks on the Wizard parameters and Validates them before calling the CreateClassTemplate() Function with its parameters.

The Wizard will retrieve the Parameters for the selected items from the ListItems Table and check for the Field List/Control Files from the selected options on the disk. If found then retrieves the list of controls, if any, for the sample Event Subroutine.

After the validation check of all the parameter values, it calls the Wizard Function CreateClassTemplate() which creates the Class Module Templates, for the selected options, with the predefined names in your Project's VBE Window's Navigation Pane.  

The CreateClassTemplate() Wizard Function VBA Code is given below:

Public Function CreateClassTemplate(ByVal FieldListFile As String, _
ByVal ClassTemplateName As String, ByVal strObjTypeName As String, _
ByVal strObjName As String) As Boolean

'Streamlining Form Module Code in Stand-alone Class Modules
'With Reusable Structured Event Subroutine Coding.
'Event Procedure Coding in Standalone Class Module is now
'made easier with Readymade Object Wrapper Class Templates
'Demo Event Subroutine is created with the Control Names.
'Program: Wrapper Class Template Wizard
'Author:  a.p.r. pillai
'Date  :  20/06/2024
'Rights:  All Rights(c) Reserved by www.msaccesstips.com

On Error GoTo CreateClassTemplate_Err
Dim j As Long, k As Long, h As Long, CountLines As Long
Dim low As Long, high As Long
Dim FieldList() As String
Dim strItem As Variant
Dim strLines(1 To 33) As String
Dim msg As String
Dim idx As Integer
Dim spacex As String
Dim qot As String
Dim ClsPath As String
Dim vbcompo As vbcomponent

spacex = Chr(32)
qot = Chr(34)
idx = 1

strLines(idx) = "VERSION 1.0 CLASS": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "BEGIN": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "  MultiUse = -1": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "End": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Attribute VB_Name = " & qot & ClassTemplateName & qot: GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Attribute VB_Creatable = False": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Attribute VB_Exposed = False": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Option Compare Database": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Option Explicit": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = spacex: GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Private WithEvents " & strObjName & " as Access." & strObjTypeName: GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Private Frm as Access.Form": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = spacex: GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Public Property Get Obj_Form() as Access.Form": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "   Set Obj_Form = Frm": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "End Property": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = spacex: GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Public Property Set Obj_Form(ByRef objForm as Access.Form)": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "   Set Frm = objForm": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "End Property": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = spacex: GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Public Property Get Obj_" & strObjName & "() as Access." & strObjTypeName: GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "   Set obj_" & strObjName & " = " & strObjName: GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "End Property": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = spacex: GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Public Property Set Obj_" & strObjName & "(ByRef v" & strObjName & " as Access." & strObjTypeName & ")": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "   Set " & strObjName & " = v" & strObjName: GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "End Property": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = spacex: GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "Private Sub " & strObjName & "_Click()": GoSub NextIndex
strLines(idx) = "   Select Case " & strObjName & ".Name"

'Read the Field Names into Array
Open FieldListFile For Input As #1
strItem = ""
j = 0
While Not EOF(1)
    Input #1, strItem
 If Len(Trim(Nz(strItem, " "))) > 0 Then
    j = j + 1
    ReDim Preserve FieldList(1 To j) As String
    FieldList(j) = strItem
 End If
Close #1

If j > 0 Then 'If 0 then Field List File is empty
    low = LBound(FieldList)
    high = UBound(FieldList)
End If

'Write the Array contents to file
ClsPath = CurrentProject.Path & "\TempClass.cls"
Open ClsPath For Output As #1
For k = 1 To idx
    Print #1, strLines(k)

'Subroutine Lines
If j > 0 Then 'if 0 then Field List file is empty
    For h = low To high
        Print #1, "     Case " & qot & FieldList(h) & qot
        Print #1, "        ' Code"
        Print #1, spacex
End If
    Print #1, spacex
    Print #1, "   End Select"
    Print #1, "End Sub"
    Print #1, spacex
Close #1

    ' Import the class module
Set vbcompo = Application.VBE.VBProjects(ProjectName).VBComponents.Import(ClsPath)
    ' Verify if the imported module is a class module
    'Compile and Save module
    If vbcompo.Type = vbext_ct_ClassModule Then
        CreateClassTemplate = True
        Kill ClsPath
        CreateClassTemplate = False
        MsgBox "Import failed: Not a class module."
    End If

Exit Function

idx = idx + 1

MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "CreateClassTemplate()"
Resume CreateClassTemplate_Exit
End Function

Check the VBE navigation pane for the newly created Template Files. They may not appear immediately in the Database navigation pane.

The Wizards's VBA Code is straightforward. The first 33 lines of Code are standard with the change of  Object Names and Type declarations inserted at appropriate positions using the Parameters obtained from the ListItems Table.

Next, it checks for the Field Names list file (or the Control Type-related Text File Names given in the ListItems Table) in the TextBoxFieldsList.txt. If Control Names are present in the Text File they are loaded into an Array in memory.

After that, the first 33 VBA Code lines are written into the TempClass.cls Text File. If the Field List/Control Name lines are found in the Array it creates a sample Click Event Subroutine Code within the Select Case . . . Case . . . End Select structure for ready-to-write Event Procedure Code wherever applicable.

This sample Event Subroutine structure can be copied for other Event Procedures like BeforeUpdate(), GotFocus(), and others.

Finally, the TempClass.cls Text File is Imported into the VBE Project's Code Pane. Look for the Class Modules with the _Template Suffix to spot them quickly.

If the Import action is unsuccessful then it will display an Error Message. In that case, you should investigate and find the cause of the Error, correct it, and try again. 

You may highlight one or more required Object Template Options from the ListBox and the Wizard creates them quickly. You can rename the Template Modules or Copy the generated Code from the Template Module and Paste it into a separate Class module for normal use. You may modify the Object Names part for use with other types of Control too.

Click the Help Command Button to display the Help Form in your Application Window. The Help Form Image is shown below.

The listItems Table Record ID Enumerations are given below.

Enum ParamID
    wizTextBox = 1
    wizCommandButton = 2
    wizComboBox = 3
    wizListBox = 4
    wizLabel = 5
    wizOptionGroup = 6
    wizOptionButton = 7
    wizCheckBox = 8
    wizToggleButton = 9
    wizTabControl = 10
End Enum

The Control Type Validating Function Code Listing.

Public Function ControlTypeCheck(ByVal strctl As String) As Long
On Error GoTo ControlTypeCheck_Err
Dim ctrlType(1 To 10) As String
Dim ctrl(1 To 10) As Long
Dim j As Integer

For j = 1 To 10
 Select Case j
    Case 1: ctrlType(j) = "Label": ctrl(j) = acLabel '100
    Case 2: ctrlType(j) = "CommandButton": ctrl(j) = acCommandButton '104
    Case 3: ctrlType(j) = "OptionButton": ctrl(j) = acOptionButton '105
    Case 4: ctrlType(j) = "CheckBox": ctrl(j) = acCheckBox '106 
    Case 5: ctrlType(j) = "OptionGroup": ctrl(j) = acOptionGroup '107 
    Case 6: ctrlType(j) = "TextBox": ctrl(j) = acTextBox '109
    Case 7: ctrlType(j) = "ListBox": ctrl(j) = acListBox '110
    Case 8: ctrlType(j) = "ComboBox": ctrl(j) = acComboBox '111
    Case 9: ctrlType(j) = "ToggleButton": ctrl(j) = acToggleButton '122 
    Case 10: ctrlType(j) = "TabControl": ctrl(j) = acTabCtl '123  
End Select

For j = LBound(ctrlType) To UBound(ctrlType)
    If ctrlType(j) = strctl Then
        ControlTypeCheck = ctrl(j): Exit For
       ControlTypeCheck = 9999 'Error
    End If

Exit Function

MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "ControlTypeCheck()"
Resume ControlTypeCheck_Exit
End Function

I hope you are enjoying the new approach to coding with reusable VBA code and easier code maintenance, without the need to constantly interfere with the Form Design View. The 'Streamlining Form Module Code in the Standalone Cass Module' also enhances code portability to other projects, offering a significant advantage.

Demo Databases Download

  1. Reusing Form Module VBA Code for New Projects.
  2. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Two.
  3. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Three
  4. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Four
  5. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Five
  6. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Six
  7. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Seven
  8. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Eight
  9. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Nine
  10. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Ten
  11. Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Elevan
  12. Streamlining Report Module Code in Class Module
  13. Streamlining Module Code Report Line Hiding-13.
  14. Streamlining Form Module Code Part-14.
  15. Streamlining Custom Made Form Wizard-15.
  16. Streamlining VBA Custom Made Report Wizard-16.
  17. Streamlining VBA External Files List in Hyperlinks-17
  18. Streamlining Events VBA 3D Text Wizard-18
  19. Streamlining Events VBA RGB Color Wizard-19
  20. Streamlining Events Numbers to Words-20
  21. Access Users Group(Europe) Presentation-21
  22. The Event Firing Mechanism of MS Access-22
  23. One TextBox and Three Wrapper Class Instances-23
  24. Streamlining Code Synchronized Floating Popup Form-24
  25. Streamlining Code Compacting/Repair Database-25
  26. Streamlining Code Remainder Popup Form-26
  27. Streamlining Code Editing Data in Zoom-in Control-27
  28. Streamlining Code Filter By Character and Sort-28
  29. Table Query Records in Collection Object-29
  30. Class for All Data Entry Editing Forms-30
  31. Wrapper Class Module Creation Wizard-31
  32. wrapper-class-template-wizard-v2

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